Engineering design services for production processes,
procedures and production facilities. Included
therein design services related
to the production method of cutting,
handling and transportation logistics and lay out the
locations among others lay out the construction of
mining and and construction under
the ground, the combined implementation of civil, installation of
mechanical and electrical location of
underground mining including
therein hoists, compressors, station
pumps, crushers, conveyor systems and
handling of waste, recovery procedures from
oil and gas, construction, installation and
maintenance of drilling equipment,
storage facilities. Design services include
one or a combination of several activities
, among others:
1. Estimated cost, specifications and
a preliminary plan to
define the concept of design
2. Final plans, specifications and
estimated costs included
therein working drawings,
specifications of materials
used, methods of installation,
time limits and specifications
required for the purposes of
the tender and construction as well as the advice
of experts to the client at the time of the evaluation
and acceptance of the tender; and
3. Services provided during the phase
of construction.