Ceritain Little penjagal2 Metal catalysts for the Motivation also ditubuh PLASMOPTYSIS, a question that is boring, quite to know more PLASMOPTYSIS Purely as New Comer Death metal so that all of you are also interested in using the name PLASMOPTYSIS, did you guys what is the meaning of the word PLASMOPTYSIS?Sandro: hmm okay in short Plasmoptysis was formed in 2006 in Bandung was originally an idea of the invited Dedy Sandro and Saenk create a band band, originally the name was not Plasmoptysis, but the Mannequin. After repeated mutually replace personnel finally we nemuin yg udah banget solid formation. I.e. formation is now the nih, and in March 2008 we are recording for the album Promo 2008 that, keep fit around October of 2008 yesterday due to some because finally we rename so Plasmoptysis. Kalo problem name hell si Saenk who understand! hahahaSaenk: Whoa! Hmm reply created the name hell initially we rundingin want the name kyk gimana, keeps materials on nyari2 books and the internet. After a few times and finally ended up in the nyangkutnya filtering Plasmoptysis. Kalo means what?asked do you guys play music concept, its Brutal Death metal Keep adoption his blend of style, Devourment, Disgorge Brodequin, Incestuous also Condemned, en gw also feel there is a touch of Indonesian Death metal to its typical, can Complete definition of love about this one??Sandro: hmmm yeah ya? haha Ask bang dedy deh kalo reserved begituan!Saenk: Yoi!Cheryl: Kalo buat concept song hell we more ngambil of Deeds of Flesh, Disgorge, and Hour of Penance, yes maybe coupled with our own death metal characters which are also Indonesia times huh? Why so there is a touch of Indonesia. hahaWhat is almost certainly the concept of a Music PLASMOPTYSIS will be performing tetep speeding ato is precisely the main change later?Cheryl: kalo concept of hell for a while so I think I would first, yes we maen aja potluck with customized material. hehePromo for 2008, is PLASMOPTYSIS've found the maximum as well as satisfied with the Ending of his once published to the metal scene? ngomong2 where PLASMOPTYSIS record it??Sandro: Rev. honest sih kalo buat now anyway we belom satisfied, yes because humans never satisfied puasnya kan. hahaha make recording yesterday we percayain create a recording at the Funhouse Recording in Bandung, because in addition to good in terms of quality, the people at the people are still our friends, too. heheis there satisfaction play a musical Concept super Noise tire of this, given the current ngeband anak2 metal also has another Tujuan2, kayak dapetin fans girls, Superstar he he he, en if this is an option that is right for you guys play until Bored ato just flow with the Booming Death metal aja??Sandro: well thus satisfied aja soalnya ya suitable kyknya kyk gini music for us. Kalo tujuan2 else, hmm kalo dapet cewe sih who wrote gamau! hahah we designate maenin music kayak gini may grandfather Grandpa sampe times Yes! XDen gimana kalo asked about the process of creating the song, whether there should be a refinement of prior played onstage ato must first played recently held its own Evaluations over the existing kekurangan2??Cheryl: hmm kalo buat creation song anyway, usually we own ngerekam used to create guitar pattern the new songs on the computer. Continue to didengerin to each personnel, kalo agree Yes immediately tried, tp kalo ada less Yes dirobah again little-little. Doang Gitu sih! heheabout the plan of making a Full album will also be the main Motivation created continue to exist, when starting to do given the current PLASMOPTYSIS've definitely has the ammunition ready is released from his weapon.Sandro: the plan we would start recording create full-length album sometime in January 2009, the material is also now more sibuk-sibuknya in "destroy there start here preparation later in January.