1034.1. UMUM. Bab ini berlaku terhadap bangunan gedung baru, bangunan 翻訳 - 1034.1. UMUM. Bab ini berlaku terhadap bangunan gedung baru, bangunan 英語言う方法

1034.1. UMUM. Bab ini berlaku terha

1034.1. UMUM. Bab ini berlaku terhadap bangunan gedung baru, bangunan gedung yang ada, baik bersifat permanen maupun yang bersifat sementara.
4.2.1* Apabila dipersyaratkan dalam persyaratan teknis ini, jenis konstruksi bangunan gedung harus memenuhi Ketentuan baku atau standar yang berlaku tentang, “Standar Tipe Konstruksi Bangunan gedung”
4.2.2. Hal-hal pokok menyangkut kontruksi pengamanan terhadap bahaya kebakaran untuk hunian baru dan yang sudah ada harus memenuhi persyaratan teknis ini dan ketentuan baku atau standar yang berlaku tentang “Persyaratan Teknis Keselamatan Jiwa”.24.3. PASANGAN KONSTRUKSI TAHAN API.
4.3.1. Rancangan dan konstruksi dinding api dan dinding penghalang api yang disyaratkan untuk pemisahan bangunan gedung atau membagi bangunan gedung untuk mencegah penyebaran api harus memenuhi ketentuan baku atau standar yang berlaku tentang, “Standar Dinding Api dan Dinding Penghalang Api”34.3.2. Pemeliharaan konstruksi tahan api tahan api yang disyaratkan termasuk disini adalah penghalang api, dinding api, dinding luar dikaitkan dengan lokasi bangunan gedung yang dilindungi, persyaratan ketahanan api yang didasarkan pada tipe konstruksi, partisi penahan penjalaran api, dan penutup atap, harus dipelihara dan harus diperbaiki, diperbaharui atau diganti dengan tepat apabila terjadi kerusakan, perubahan, keretakan , penembusan, pemindahan atau akibat pemasangan yang salah. Apabila dinding atau langit-langit tahan api yang terbuat dari bahan gipsum rusak hingga timbul lubang, maka bagian dinding atau langit-langit gipsum tersebut harus diganti atau dipulihkan kembali ketahanan apinya dengan memakai sistem perbaikan yang disetujui atau menggunakan bahan dan metoda yang setara dengan konstruksi awalnya. 1 NFPA 220, Standard on Types of Building Construction. 2 NFPA 101, Life Safety Code. 3 NFPA 221, Standard for Fire Walls and Fire Barrier Walls BAB IV SISTEM PROTEKSI KEBAKARAN PASIF
4.4.1. Pemasangan dan pemeliharaan pasangan konstruksi dan peralatan yang digunakan untuk melindungi bukaan pada dinding, lantai dan langit-langit terhadap penyebaran api dan asap di dalam , ke dalam maupun ke luar bangunan gedung harus memenuhi persyaratan sebagai mana disebutkan dalam ketentuan baku yang berlaku tentang “Standar Uji pintu dan jendela tahan api “
4.4.2. Evaluasi terhadap kinerja ketahanan api dari pasangan konstruksi ini harus memenuhi ketentuan yang berlaku tentang, “Standar Tatacara Pengujian Ketahanan Api pada Bahan Bangunan gedung dan Konstruksi“5, untuk pintu akses horizontal, “Standar Tatacara Pengujian terhadap Pasangan Konstruksi Pintu”6, untuk pintu tahan api dan penutup, dan, “StandarPengujian Api terhadap Pasangan Konstruksi Jendela dan Blok Kaca (Glass Block)7,untuk Jendela tahan api dan Blok Kaca.
4.4.3* Butir 4.4 ini tidak berlaku untuk pintu-pintu pada incinerator, pintu ruangan penyimpan arsip dan pintu gudang.
4.4.4. Untuk persyaratan instalasi pintu ruang luncur lif dan dumbwaiter perlu dilihat ke bagian aplikasi dari SNI 03-7017.1-2004, Pemeriksaan dan Pengujian Lif Traksi Listrik pada Bangunan gedung. Persyaratan-persyaratan untuk pintu geser horizontal, pintu geser vertikal dan pintu ayun sebagaimana digunakan dalam persyaratan teknis ini tidak berlaku untuk pintu ruang luncur lif dan dumbwaiter.
4.4.5. Ketentuan butir 4.4 tidak mencakup bahan-bahan kaca tahan api dan pasangan konstruksi pintu geser atau lipat horizontal pasangan konstruksi yang digunakan sebagai dinding dan diuji sebagai pasangan konstruksi dinding sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku tentang “Standar Tatacara Pengujian Ketahanan Api pada Bahan Bangunan gedung dan Konstruksi“ 5. OBS harus di konsultasikan mengenai desain dan instalasi dari bahan dan konsruksi pasangan tersebut.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
1034.1. General. This chapter applies to the new building, the existing building, either permanent or temporary. 4.2. Construction. 4.2.1 * When required in the technical requirements of this type of construction, the building must comply with the applicable standards or raw about, "standard Type construction of building" 4.2.2. principal matters concerning construction safeguards against fire hazard for residential new and existing meet these technical requirements and conditions of the applicable standards or raw about "technical requirements the salvation of the soul." 15.1. PAIR OF FIREPROOF CONSTRUCTION. 4.3.1. The design and construction of the walls of flames and fire barrier walls required for the separation of building or dividing the building to prevent the spread of the fire must comply with the applicable standards or raw about, "standard Fire Walls and Fire Barrier Walls" 34.3.2. Maintenance of fireproof construction the required fire resistant construction included here is a barrier of fire, fire wall, the outer wall is associated with the location of the protected building, fire resistance requirements based on the type of construction, retaining partition penjalaran api, and roofing, must be maintained and must be corrected, updated or replaced appropriately in case of damages, changes, cracks, transpiration, removal or due to incorrect installation. If walls or ceilings made of fireproof material damaged gypsum until the hole has occurred, then a part of the wall or ceiling gypsum must be replaced or recovered the fire resistance by wearing an approved repair systems or using materials and methods that are equivalent to the construction of the first. 1 NFPA 220, Standard on Types of Building Construction. 2 NFPA 101, Life Safety Code. 3 221 NFPA, Standard for Fire Walls and Fire Barrier Walls FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM CHAPTER IV PASSIVE104-CHAPTER IV-PASSIVE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM 1044.4. FIREPROOF DOORS AND WINDOWS. 4.4.1. Installation and maintenance of construction and equipment which couples used to protect openings in walls, floors and ceilings against the spread of fire and smoke within, into or out of the building must meet requirements as referred to in the provisions of the applicable standard of "standard test for fireproof doors and Windows"5.4.2. Evaluation of durability performance of fire this construction must meet the applicable provisions of the "Standard Procedures, Testing the resilience of the fire on the building Materials and construction" 5, for door horizontal access, Standard Testing Procedures "against the pair Construction door" 6, to the door of fireproof and the cover, and, "StandarPengujian Fire against a Pair of construction Windows and glass blocks (Glass Block) 7, to fireproof Window and glass blocks. 4.4.3 * Grain 2.7 does not apply to doors on the incinerator, the door of the room door and Archivist of the warehouse.4.4.4. installation requirements For door space elevators and dumbwaiter launch needs to be seen to the application of the SNI 03-7017.1-2004, inspection and testing of electrical Traction Elevators at the building. Requirements for horizontal sliding doors, sliding doors and vertical doors swinging as used in technical requirements does not apply for the space elevators and dumbwaiter launch.4.4.5. The provisions do not cover 4.4 grain materials fireproof glass and pair construction sliding doors or folding the horizontal pair of construction are used as wall and tested as a couple wall construction in accordance with the applicable "Standard Fire Resistance Testing Procedures on building Materials and construction" 5. OBS must consult regarding the design and installation of materials and konsruksi pairs.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
1034.1. GENERAL. This chapter shall apply to new buildings, existing buildings, both permanent and temporary.
4.2.1 * Where required in the technical requirements, the type of building construction must meet the provisions applicable standard or standards concerning, "Standard Building Construction type building"
4.2.2. Major issues concerning the construction of safeguards against fire for new housing and existing ones must meet the technical requirements and the provisions of the applicable standard or standards concerning "Technical Requirements for the Safety of Life" .24.3. CONSTRUCTION COUPLE HOLD API.
4.3.1. Design and construction of fire walls and fire barrier wall which is required for the separation of buildings or divide the building to prevent the spread of fire must comply with the applicable standard or standards concerning, "Standard Fire Walls and Fire Barrier Walls" 34.3.2. Maintenance of fireproof construction required fireproof included here is the fire barrier, fire wall, the outer wall is associated with the location of protected buildings, fire resistance requirements based on the type of construction, retaining partitions the propagation of fire, and the roof covering, must be maintained and must be repaired, refurbished or replaced properly if there is damage, alteration, cracking, penetration, removal or due to improper installation. If the wall or ceiling fireproof made ​​of gypsum broken up arising hole, then the wall or ceiling gypsum should be replaced or restored endurance flames using a system repair approved or using materials and methods are equivalent to the original construction , 1 NFPA 220, Standard on Types of Building Construction. 2 NFPA 101, Life Safety Code. 3 NFPA 221, Standard for Fire Walls and Fire Barrier Walls CHAPTER IV FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PASSIVE
4.4.1. Installation and maintenance of partner construction and equipment used to protect openings in walls, floors and ceilings against the spread of fire and smoke within, into and out of the buildings must meet the requirements as to which is mentioned in the provisions of the raw force of the "Standard Test fireproof doors and windows
"4.4.2. The evaluation of the performance of the fire resistance of the pair this construction must meet applicable requirements concerning, "Standard Procedure for Testing of Fire Resistance in Building Materials building and Construction" 5, to the access door horizontally, "Standard Procedure for Testing of Spouse Construction Door" 6, for resistant doors fire and cover, and, "Fire against the pair StandarPengujian Construction Window and Glass Block (Glass Block) 7 for Windows fireproof and glass block.
4.4.3 * Item 4.4 does not apply to doors in the incinerator, archives storage room doors and the barn door.
4.4.4. For installation requirements sliding door lift and dumbwaiter to be seen to the application of SNI 03-7017.1-2004, Inspection and Testing of Electrical Traction Elevators in the building it is housed. Requirements for horizontal sliding doors, vertical sliding doors and swing doors as used in this technical requirement does not apply to the sliding door lift and dumbwaiter.
4.4.5. The provision of point 4.4 do not apply to materials resistant glass fire and partner construction sliding doors or folding horizontal pair construction used as a wall and tested as a pair of wall construction according to applicable regulations of the "Standard Procedure for Testing of Fire Resistance in Building Materials building and Construction" 5 . OBS should consult on the design and installation of materials and konsruksi the couple.
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