Neraca Daya Sistem Sulbagsel:Sistem Sulbagsel merupakan penggabungan s翻訳 - Neraca Daya Sistem Sulbagsel:Sistem Sulbagsel merupakan penggabungan s英語言う方法

Neraca Daya Sistem Sulbagsel:Sistem

Neraca Daya Sistem Sulbagsel:
Sistem Sulbagsel merupakan penggabungan sistem Sulsel-Sulbar, Sulteng dan
sistem Sultra. Sistem ini direncanakan akan terbentuk pada tahun 2016 setelah
proyek transmisi 150 kV interkoneksi sistem Sulsel dengan sistem Sultra
selesai dibangun termasuk IBT 275/150 kV GI Wotu. Rencana penempatan
pembangkit di sistem Sulsel-Sulbar, Sultra, Sulteng diupayakan seimbang
dengan menganut kriteria regional balance.
Dalam rangka mengoptimalkan potensi tenaga hidro yang sangat besar dan
tersebar di Provinsi Sulsel, Sulbar, Sulteng dan Sultra, akan banyak dibangun
proyek PLTA oleh pengembang swasta dengan kapasitas total sekitar 1.580
MW dan oleh PLN sekitar 425 MW selama tahun 2015-2024. Selain itu, masih
ada beberapa potensi tenaga hidro lainnya yang akan dikembangkan menjadi
PLTA oleh pihak swasta dengan kapasitas total sekitar 790 MW dan saat ini
dalam tahap studi kelayakan. Jika hasil studi menunjukan layak secara teknis
dan keekonomian, maka rencana proyek PLTA ini nantinya dapat
dikembangkan dan diperhitungkan didalam neraca daya sistem Sulbagsel. Jika
semua potensi tenaga hidro tersebut dikembangkan, maka akan ada tambahan
kapasitas PLTA total sekitar 2.800 MW.
Selain potensi tenaga hidro, potensi tenaga angin di Sulsel yang cukup besar
juga akan dimanfaatkan untuk pembangkit tenaga listrik (biasa disebut PLTB)
yang tersambung ke Grid Sulsel, namun tidak diperhitungkan didalam neraca
daya karena bersifat intermitten / tidak kontinyu.
Daya mampu PLTA dan PLTB sangat dipengaruhi oleh musim sehingga perlu
diantisipasi dengan membangun pembangkit lain yang dapat menutupi
kekurangan daya pada saat musim kemarau untuk PLTA, dan saat tidak ada
angin untuk PLTB.
Proyeksi kebutuhan beban dan rencana penambahan pembangkit di sistem
Sulbagsel periode tahun 2015-2024 sebagaimana terdapat pada neraca daya
sesuai Tabel 6.26. Selama periode tersebut, direncanakan akan akan dibangun
pembangkit baru dengan kapasitas total mencapai 4.357 MW dengan reserve
margin (RM) berkisar antara 32% smpai 53% kecuali tahun 2015 dan 2017
dibawah 30%.
ソース言語: -
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The Balance Of Power System Sulbagsel:Sulbagsel system is the system of merger in South Sulawesi-Sulbar, Sulteng andSultra system. The system is planned to be built by 2016 after150 kV transmission interconnection project system in South Sulawesi with Sultracompleted including IBT 275/150 kV GI Wotu. Plan the placement ofpower plant in South Sulawesi-Sulbar system, Sultra, balanced attempted Sultengby adhering to the criteria of regional balance.In order to optimize the potential of huge hydro power andscattered in the province of South Sulawesi, Sulbar, Sulteng Sultra, and many will be builtHYDROPOWER project by a private developer with a total capacity of about 1,580MW and by PLN approx. 425 MW during the year 2015-2024. In addition, it is stillThere are several other hydro power potential will be developed intoHYDROPOWER by private parties with a total capacity of about 790 MW and the currentin the stage of feasibility study. If the results of the study showed a technically feasibleand keekonomian, then this HYDROPOWER project plan can eventuallydeveloped and taken into account in the balance of power system Sulbagsel. Ifthe hydro power potential of all developed, then there will be an additionalthe total HYDROPOWER capacity of approximately 2,800 MW.In addition to the potential for hydro power, wind power potential in South Sulawesi that is large enoughwill also be utilized for power generation (commonly called COAL FIRED POWER PLANTS)connected to the Grid in South Sulawesi, but not accounted for in the balance sheetbecause power is not/intermitten engine.Power capable of HYDROPOWER and COAL FIRED POWER PLANTS is highly influenced by the so necessaryanticipated by building another plant can coverpower shortages during the dry season for HYDROPOWER, and while nowind to COAL FIRED POWER PLANTS.The projection of the load needs and plan the addition of power systemSulbagsel the period 2015-2024 as found in the balance of powercorresponding Table 6.26. During this period, planned to be builtnew generators with a total capacity reached 4.357 MW with reservemargin (RM) ranged from 32% 53% smpai except the 2015 and 2017under 30%.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Power Balance Sulbagsel System:
System Sulbagsel an amalgamation system-West Sulawesi South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and
Southeast Sulawesi system. The system is planned to be established in 2016 after
the project 150 kV transmission interconnection system with a system of South Sulawesi South East Sulawesi
completed including IBT 275/150 kV substation Wotu. Plan the placement of
plants in system-West Sulawesi South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi balance sought
by embracing regional balance criteria.
In order to optimize the potential of hydro power is very large and
spread out in the province of South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi, will be a lot of built
hydropower projects by private developers with a total capacity of approximately 1,580
MW and by PLN approximately 425 MW during the years 2015-2024. In addition, still
there are some other hydro power potential to be developed into a
hydropower by the private sector with a total capacity of approximately 790 MW and is currently
in the feasibility study stage. If the results of the study showed technically feasible
and economical, then this hydropower project plan can then be
developed and taken into account in the balance of power system Sulbagsel. If Sulbagsel system is the incorporation of a system-West Sulawesi South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi system. The system is planned to be established in 2016 after the project 150 kV transmission interconnection system with a system of South Sulawesi South East Sulawesi completed including IBT 275/150 kV substation Wotu. Plan the placement of plants in system-West Sulawesi South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi balance sought by embracing regional balance criteria. In order to optimize the potential of hydro power is very large and spread out in the province of South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi, will be a lot of built hydropower projects by private developers with a total capacity of approximately 1,580 MW and by PLN approximately 425 MW during the years 2015-2024. In addition, still there are some other hydro power potential to be developed into a hydropower by the private sector with a total capacity of approximately 790 MW and is currently in the feasibility study stage. If the results of the study showed technically feasible and economical, then this hydropower project plan can then be developed and taken into account in the balance of power system Sulbagsel. If Sulbagsel system is the incorporation of a system-West Sulawesi South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi system. The system is planned to be established in 2016 after the project 150 kV transmission interconnection system with a system of South Sulawesi South East Sulawesi completed including IBT 275/150 kV substation Wotu. Plan the placement of plants in system-West Sulawesi South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi balance sought by embracing regional balance criteria. In order to optimize the potential of hydro power is very large and spread out in the province of South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi, will be a lot of built hydropower projects by private developers with a total capacity of approximately 1,580 MW and by PLN approximately 425 MW during the years 2015-2024. In addition, still there are some other hydro power potential to be developed into a hydropower by the private sector with a total capacity of approximately 790 MW and is currently in the feasibility study stage. If the results of the study showed technically feasible and economical, then this hydropower project plan can then be developed and taken into account in the balance of power system Sulbagsel. If Central Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi system. The system is planned to be established in 2016 after the project 150 kV transmission interconnection system with a system of South Sulawesi South East Sulawesi completed including IBT 275/150 kV substation Wotu. Plan the placement of plants in system-West Sulawesi South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi balance sought by embracing regional balance criteria. In order to optimize the potential of hydro power is very large and spread out in the province of South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi, will be a lot of built hydropower projects by private developers with a total capacity of approximately 1,580 MW and by PLN approximately 425 MW during the years 2015-2024. In addition, still there are some other hydro power potential to be developed into a hydropower by the private sector with a total capacity of approximately 790 MW and is currently in the feasibility study stage. If the results of the study showed technically feasible and economical, then this hydropower project plan can then be developed and taken into account in the balance of power system Sulbagsel. If Central Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi system. The system is planned to be established in 2016 after the project 150 kV transmission interconnection system with a system of South Sulawesi South East Sulawesi completed including IBT 275/150 kV substation Wotu. Plan the placement of plants in system-West Sulawesi South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi balance sought by embracing regional balance criteria. In order to optimize the potential of hydro power is very large and spread out in the province of South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi, will be a lot of built hydropower projects by private developers with a total capacity of approximately 1,580 MW and by PLN approximately 425 MW during the years 2015-2024. In addition, still there are some other hydro power potential to be developed into a hydropower by the private sector with a total capacity of approximately 790 MW and is currently in the feasibility study stage. If the results of the study showed technically feasible and economical, then this hydropower project plan can then be developed and taken into account in the balance of power system Sulbagsel. If The system is planned to be established in 2016 after the project 150 kV transmission interconnection system with a system of South Sulawesi South East Sulawesi completed including IBT 275/150 kV substation Wotu. Plan the placement of plants in system-West Sulawesi South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi balance sought by embracing regional balance criteria. In order to optimize the potential of hydro power is very large and spread out in the province of South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi, will be a lot of built hydropower projects by private developers with a total capacity of approximately 1,580 MW and by PLN approximately 425 MW during the years 2015-2024. In addition, still there are some other hydro power potential to be developed into a hydropower by the private sector with a total capacity of approximately 790 MW and is currently in the feasibility study stage. If the results of the study showed technically feasible and economical, then this hydropower project plan can then be developed and taken into account in the balance of power system Sulbagsel. If The system is planned to be established in 2016 after the project 150 kV transmission interconnection system with a system of South Sulawesi South East Sulawesi completed including IBT 275/150 kV substation Wotu. Plan the placement of plants in system-West Sulawesi South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi balance sought by embracing regional balance criteria. In order to optimize the potential of hydro power is very large and spread out in the province of South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi, will be a lot of built hydropower projects by private developers with a total capacity of approximately 1,580 MW and by PLN approximately 425 MW during the years 2015-2024. In addition, still there are some other hydro power potential to be developed into a hydropower by the private sector with a total capacity of approximately 790 MW and is currently in the feasibility study stage. If the results of the study showed technically feasible and economical, then this hydropower project plan can then be developed and taken into account in the balance of power system Sulbagsel. If Sulteng pursued balanced by embracing regional balance criteria. In order to optimize the potential of hydro power is very large and spread out in the province of South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi, will be a lot of built hydropower projects by private developers with a total capacity of approximately 1,580 MW and by PLN approximately 425 MW during the years 2015-2024. In addition, still there are some other hydro power potential to be developed into a hydropower by the private sector with a total capacity of approximately 790 MW and is currently in the feasibility study stage. If the results of the study showed technically feasible and economical, then this hydropower project plan can then be developed and taken into account in the balance of power system Sulbagsel. If Sulteng pursued balanced by embracing regional balance criteria. In order to optimize the potential of hydro power is very large and spread out in the province of South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi, will be a lot of built hydropower projects by private developers with a total capacity of approximately 1,580 MW and by PLN approximately 425 MW during the years 2015-2024. In addition, still there are some other hydro power potential to be developed into a hydropower by the private sector with a total capacity of approximately 790 MW and is currently in the feasibility study stage. If the results of the study showed technically feasible and economical, then this hydropower project plan can then be developed and taken into account in the balance of power system Sulbagsel. If still there are some other hydro power potential to be developed into a hydropower by the private sector with a total capacity of approximately 790 MW and is currently in the feasibility study stage. If the results of the study showed technically feasible and economical, then this hydropower project plan can then be developed and taken into account in the balance of power system Sulbagsel. If still there are some other hydro power potential to be developed into a hydropower by the private sector with a total capacity of approximately 790 MW and is currently in the feasibility study stage. If the results of the study showed technically feasible and economical, then this hydropower project plan can then be developed and taken into account in the balance of power system Sulbagsel. If
all the hydro power potential is developed, there will be an additional
capacity of about 2,800 MW of hydropower in total.
In addition to the potential for hydro power, wind power potential in South Sulawesi large enough
also be utilized for power generation (commonly called thermal power station)
which is connected to the Grid Sulawesi, but not taken into account in the balance of
power for intermittent / continuous no.
Power hydropower and thermal power station capable of greatly influenced by the season so it needs to
be anticipated by building another plant that can cover
the power shortage during the dry season for hydropower, and when there was no
wind for a thermal power station.
Projection needs load and generation additions in the system plan
Sulbagsel year period 2015-2024 as contained in the balance of power
in accordance Table 6:26. During this period, planned to be built
a new plant with a total capacity of 4,357 MW with a reserve
margin (RM) ranged between 32% smpai 53% except for 2015 and 2017
below 30%.
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