Enrekang is one of the districts in the province of South Sulawesi as a potential new source of renewable Energy, Earth Massenrempulu will be a surplus District Electric Energy Sources within the next 2-3 years will be the construction of Hydroelectric Power Plant (HEPP) Buttu Buttu Batu Batu Village Enrekang sub-district with a capacity of 2 x 100 MW of Foreign Investors (Foreign Direct Investment) through PT. Energy rays Thanks to Jakarta. Activities and Hydropower Development Plan Buttu Stone by PT. Thanks to Jakarta Sinar Energy has received Permission principle of legality perzinan form of Regents Enrekang Number: 040.2 / 2878 / Secretariat On December 23, 2013 and Permit Area No. 540/155 / Secretariat On 21 January 2014. Previous The Investor has conducted an initial survey to determine the potential of the region as a source of hydroelectric plants in the valley of the River Saddang in 4 villages namely Temban, Tungka Village, Village Tallu Bamba Batu sub-district and village Buttu Enrekang. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Environment No. 17 has also been conducted socialization EIA in June 2014 last month and in the near future will do follow-up survey of the Technical Team Investor. Responsible,