Jasa pembuatan desain dan rencana dari
aesthetic landscaping untuk taman, lahan
komersial dan permukiman. Meliputi
penyiapan rencana lapangan, gambar
kerja,spesifikasi dan estimasi biaya untuk
pengembangan lahan yang menggambar
kan kontur tanah, tanaman yang akan
ditanam, dan fasilitas lain seperti tempat
pejalan kaki, pagar,dan area parkir.
Termasuk juga didalamnya
jasa inspeksi dari pekerjaan selama
konstruksi,jasa pengkajian dan penasehatan
penataan lingkungan bangunan dan
Design and manufacture service plans fromaesthetic landscaping for parks, landcommercial and settlements. Includespreparation of a plan of field, imageof work, specifications and estimates of costs todevelopment of the drawingKan contours of the land, the plants willplanted, and other facilities such as placepedestrians, railings, and parking area.Also included in itthe services of the inspection of the work duringconstruction, services assessment and penasehatanbuilding and environment setuplandscape.

Design services and plans of
aesthetic landscaping for parks, land
commercial and residential. Includes the
preparation of field plans, drawings
of work, specifications and cost estimates for
land development to draw
the contours of the land, crops to be
planted, and other facilities such as a
pedestrian, fences, and parking area.
Including therein
inspection services of employment during
construction, assessment and advisory services
arrangement building environment and