Background Based on the provisions of article 29, paragraph (2) of ACT No. 10 of 1995 on customs as amended by ACT No. 17 of 2006 mentions that in terms of the importer or exporter is unable to perform its own processing of the notification of the customs, importers and exporters can empower Customs Clearance Services to entrepreneurs (INDONESIA) in the handling of documents in the Office of the Customs and Excise Service. To become entrepreneurs Maintaining Customs Services (INDONESIA) there are some requirements which are the must to have competence in the field of customs experts. Based on the decision of the Minister of Finance of INDONESIA No. 65/KMK. 04/2007 mentioned that Employers Maintaining Customs Services (INDONESIA) must form a legal entity and shall have at least one metre of the lack of one (1) person Customs Experts. Own Customs expert is a person who has knowledge and understanding of Customs has been given a certificate of Customs Experts issued by Financial education and training Agency (BPPK).