sehubungan dengan hal ini sy sdh koordinasi dgn Mba Pur , dimana ASM d翻訳 - sehubungan dengan hal ini sy sdh koordinasi dgn Mba Pur , dimana ASM d英語言う方法

sehubungan dengan hal ini sy sdh ko

sehubungan dengan hal ini sy sdh koordinasi dgn Mba Pur , dimana ASM
dalam hal melakukan ini , melakukan program :
- edukasi pengetahuan asuransi pada saat dilakukan pengobatan gratis
kepada masyarakat (spt Ibu RT, dll)
- edukasi mengenai asuransi kpd komunitas bersamaan dengan kegiatan
seminar BPJS
- membuat artikel pengetahuan asuransi di majalah2
- ke depannya akan melakukan edukasi ke sekolah2

untuk hal ini spt nya sulit untuk melakukan joint program untuk program

untuk itu , agar memenuhi SE POJK No 1, ASO hrs membicarakan program ini
agar bisa dilakukan :
- edukasi ditujukan kepada konsumen dan atau masyarakat
- membuat rencana program edukasi pada program tahunan yg hrs dilaporkan
ke OJK
- rencana edukasi hrs memuat : program kerja sesuai dengan sasaran,
strategi, kebijkan PUJK, evaluasi pelaksaan program edukasi sblmnya dan
penetapan asumsi biaya dan asumsi yg digunakan
- program edukasi beserta bahan edukasi hrs tersedia di website
- rencana edukasi paling lambat dilaporkan ke OJK 30 Nov
- lgkpnya mengenai edukasi dpt dilihat di SE POJK no 1 terlampir

Untuk ini agar bisa dibicarakan pada meeting BOD mendatang atau meeting
terpisah sblm meeting BOD untuk penentuan rencana edukasi
Untuk tahap awal , paling sederhana adalah rencana edukasi ke konsumen
rekanan bisnis, misalnya memberikan penjelasan mengenai prosedur klaim
dll nya
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
with respect to this coordination with Mba sy sdh Pur, where ASM
in doing this, do the program:
-education knowledge of insurance at the time of treatment is done for free
to society (such as RT, Mom etc)
-education about community in conjunction with the kpd insurance activities

BPJS seminar-insurance knowledge create articles in majalah2
-in the future will conduct education to sekolah2

for this its difficult to do such joint programmes for education programs

for it, so that it meets a SE POJK No. 1, ASO hrs talk this program for it to be done:

-education addressed to consumer and community or
-make plans education program on annual program yg hrs reported
into OJK
-educational plan contains: hrs work programme in accordance with the objectives, strategies, kebijkan
PUJK pelaksaan education program, evaluation of the Prev and assumption of costs and assignment of
assumption is used along with education programs
materials education hrs available on website
-education plans at least reported to OJK Nov 30,
-lgkpnya about education dpt views in SE POJK No. 1 attached

For this to be discussed at the upcoming BOD meeting or meeting
separate Prev meeting educational plan for the determination of BOD
For the early stages, the simplest is to consumer education plan
business partner, for example, provide a description of the procedures for claims his etc

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
in this regard sy sdh coordination with MBA Pur, where ASM
in terms of doing this, do the program:
- education insurance knowledge at the time of treatment free
to the public (such as Mrs. RT, etc.)
- KPD community education about insurance in conjunction with activities
BPJS seminar
- create knowledge articles in majalah2 insurance
- the future will be to educate to sekolah2 to it such as it is difficult to carry out a joint program to program education for it, in order to meet the SE POJK No. 1, ASO hrs talk about this program that can be done: - education aimed to consumers and or community - make a plan educational programs on an annual program that hrs reported to the FSA - hrs education plan includes: a work program in accordance with the objectives, strategies, PUJK development policy, evaluation and implementation of educational programs prev determination of cost assumptions and assumptions that are used - the program education as well as educational materials available on the website hrs evaluation and implementation of educational programs prev determination of cost assumptions and assumptions that are used - and its educational program educational materials available on the website hrs

- Educational plans reported to FSA no later than November 30
- lgkpnya about education in the SE POJK perceptibly No. 1 attached to this order can be discussed at the upcoming BOD meeting or meeting separately Prev BOD meeting educational plan for the determination of the initial phase, the simplest is the education plan consumer to business partners, such as providing an explanation of the procedure claim her etc.

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