BENGKULU, Longsor di 25 titik jalan utama menuju Kecamatan Sindang Kelingi dan Sindang Dataran, Kabupaten Rejang Lebong, mengakibatkan enam desa di kawasan itu terisolasi. Bencana itu terjadi akibat hujan deras pada Senin malam (17/3/2014).
Kepala Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD), Masdar Helmi menyebutkan, terdapat enam desa terisolasi akibat longsor tersebut. Keenam desa itu yakni Desa 4 Suku Menanti, Air Rusa, Bengko, Sinar Gunung, Talang Belitar dan Warung Pojok dengan jumlah jiwa mencapai ribuan orang.
Menurutnya, dari hasil investigasi BPBD, terdapat 25 titik longsor, mengakibatkan akses satu-satunya menuju ibu kota kecamatan menjadi terputus total karena terimbun tanah dan material longsoran lainnya.
""Saat ini Tim Reaksi Cepat (TRC) BPBD Rejang Lebong telah terjun ke titik bencana, serta menurunkan alat berat membersihkan tanah longsoran yang menutupi jalan,"" kata Masdar Helmi, Selasa (18/3/2014).
Ia melanjutkan, gersangnya lahan dan mulai gundulnya hutan yang berada di kiri dan kanan jalan, mengakibatkan tanah longsor saat diguyur hujan. Selanjutnya longsoran tanah menutup jalan utama di desa tersebut.
Ia menargetkan dalam waktu cepat, pihaknya berusaha menyingkirkan material tanah yang berada di jalan, sehingga akses transportasi kembali normal."
Bengkulu, in the 25 point main road to Sub Sindang Kelingi and Sindang Rejang Lebong Regency, Plains, resulting in six villages in the region isolated. The disaster that happened due to heavy rain on Monday night (17/3/2014).The head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Masdar Helmi mentions, there are six villages isolated due to landslides. The six villages namely Village 4 Tribe Awaits, water deer, Bengko, Mount Talang, Ray Belitar and Corner Stalls with the number of inhabitants reached thousands of people.According to him, the results of the investigation of BPBD, there is a 25-point landslide, resulted in the only access towards the capital of the subdistrict to be an unbroken total due to terimbun of soil and other avalanches material."" The Quick Reaction Team currently (TRC) BPBD Rejang Lebong has plunged to the point of disaster, as well as lowering heavy equipment clears land avalanches that covered the road, "said Masdar Helmi, Tuesday (3/18/2014).He continued, gersangnya of land and began to gundulnya forests are on the left and right of the road, resulting in mudslides when rain washed down. The next land avalanches closed the main road in the village.He is targeting in quick time, it tried to get rid of the soil materials that are on the road, so the transportation returned to normal. "

BENGKULU, landslide in 25 main road point to the District Sindang Kelingi and Sindang Plains, Rejang Lebong, resulting in six villages in the area was isolated. That disaster caused by heavy rain on Monday night (03/17/2014). Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Masdar Helmi said, there are six villages isolated due to landslides. The six villages that the village 4 Tribe Waiting, Water Deer, Bengko, Sinar Gunung, Talang Belitar and Public Corner with a number of people to reach thousands of people. According to him, the results of the investigation BPBDs, there are 25 points of landslides, resulting in the only access to the district capital become totally disconnected because terimbun soil and material avalanche of others. "" Currently the Quick Response Team (TRC) BPBDs Rejang Lebong has plunged to the point of disaster, as well as lowering the machine cleans the soil avalanche that covered the road, "" said Masdar Helmi, Tuesday (18 / 3/2014). He continued, havoc and began deforestation land located on the left and right of the road, resulting in landslides when rain. Further landslides blocked the main road in the village. He targeted in quick time, it tries to get rid of soil materials that are on the road, so access to transportation back to normal. "