Luhut and CEO Inpex Had Dinner in Japan, Discuss Masela?Coordinating M翻訳 - Luhut and CEO Inpex Had Dinner in Japan, Discuss Masela?Coordinating M英語言う方法

Luhut and CEO Inpex Had Dinner in J

Luhut and CEO Inpex Had Dinner in Japan, Discuss Masela?

Coordinating Minister for Maritime, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, during a visit to Japan took time to meet with the local business community. One of them is the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Inpex, Toshiaki Kitamura.

The meeting took place in the activities of the dinner. The Indonesian government to get an appreciation for the progress of the talks Masela project.

"I had dinner with the President / CEO of his Inpex. And they greatly appreciated the progress of the talks Masela," said Luhut, at the State Palace, Jakarta, Tuesday (10/11/2016) .

In the project Masela, Luhut explained, would be divided into two parts, upstream and downstream According to all the parties concerned have agreed.

"the project later drilled oil until we develop hilirisasinya until petrochemical plus fertilizer plant. and it has been agreed and again counted detail by both parties incentive meetings 2-3 times a week, "he said.

Luhut adds, the plan will run in parallel. So that when the operation can obtain optimal results.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Luhut and CEO of Inpex Had Dinner in Japan, Discuss Masela?Coordinating Minister for Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, Maritime, during a visit to Japan took time to meet with the local business community. One of them is the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Inpex, Toshiaki Kitamura. The meeting took place in the activities of the dinner. The Indonesian government to get an appreciation for the progress of the talks Masela project. "I had dinner with the President/CEO of his Inpex. And they greatly appreciated the progress of the talks, "said Luhut Masela, at the State Palace in Jakarta, Tuesday (10/11/1999). In the project Masela, Luhut explained, would be divided into two parts, upstream and downstream According to all the parties concerned have agreed. "the project later drilled oil until we develop hilirisasinya until petrochemical fertilizers plant plus. and it has been agreed and again counted detail by both parties incentive meetings 2-3 times a week, "he said. Luhut adds, the plan will run in parallel. So that when the operation can obtain optimal results.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Luhut and CEO Inpex Had Dinner in Japan, Discuss Masela?

Coordinating Minister for Maritime, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, during a visit to Japan took time to meet with the local business community. One of them is the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Inpex, Toshiaki Kitamura.

The meeting took place in the activities of the dinner. The Indonesian government to get an appreciation for the progress of the talks Masela project.

"I had dinner with the President / CEO of his Inpex. And they greatly appreciated the progress of the talks Masela," said Luhut, at the State Palace, Jakarta , Tuesday (11/10/2016).

In the project Masela, Luhut explained, would be divided into two parts, upstream and downstream According to all the parties concerned have Agreed.

"the project later drilled oil until we develop hilirisasinya until petrochemical plus fertilizer plant, and it has been Agreed and again counted detail by both parties incentive meetings 2-3 times a week, "he said.

Luhut adds, the plan will run in parallel. So that when the operation can Obtain optimal results.
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