While in junior high school. around 1997. When most teenagers love music boy band or solo artist looking pretty or handsome, teteh mother thus feel saturated. Residents of the complex Neglasarl, Ujungberung, Bandung was like Miss music original and more personal in nature. A friend then encouraged him to pertuniukan of British grunge in GORSaparua. Bandung City. teteh mother ever fell in love.Step on the high school, playing a clever mother teteh bass ventured to form the band "Capability" that all casualties of women. Because of the heavy with ngefans Kurt Cobain, the grunge band Nirvana frontman. "Capability" is almost always sings Iagu belong to the band "Hole" that singer was the girlfriend of the late Kurt Cobain, Courtney Love. However. high school band didn't last long because soon teteh mother joined the band "Dining Out." Bands that get a lot of positive response from the young Bandung. Shortly after forming the band. teteh mother dkk ever gets a lot of invitations to perform at various performance arts high school.Gait Teteh mums in the world music genre of hard (commonly known to many as underground music) continued until College. Feel dissatisfied with the band "Dining Out". in 2003. Teteh Mother then formed a new band named "Sue" hardcore band. This is the band's Mother requested Teteh as vocalist, with one vocal techniques, scream.A little hard to imagine how it might rnulut semungil could harsh voices issuing nan "creepy" ala the vocalist of hardcore in General. However, the "PR" has already witnessed that Achie can indeed. When discussing personal, not quite chatty Achie and tend to be shy.However, once went into the studio and holding a microphone, Achie like turn into other people. The cry is loud and deafening as out of his mouth, blow rnenglmbangi drums and up-tempo guitar passages very quickly. After you feel comfortable with "Plaintiff", Mother Teteh then decided to wear the hijab. Gartika Day wife (32) it was rnengaku got there are fears of the emergence of the rejection of the underground music community against his decision then. In either case, however, it was not proven. Apparently, the underground music community is indeed kept their philosophy to appreciate diversity.Even so, after veiled and now becomes a mother, Mother Teteh recognized that many changes in his appearance, especially when performing. First, the mother will be performing Teteh total rnenggunakan berbagal accessories to support the concept of the band and the songs that brings. La spike wears in both arms (as a symbol of the struggle) and chains on his pants (as a symbol of freedom). In addition, he will affix piercings on the ears, nose, and tongue. Now, the costumes more modest Mother Teteh gig, just blend jeans and sweaters or t-shirts. "The important thing is it the quality of the music is the same song," he said.Currently, there are about three thousand fans a heavy Jolt spread across Indonesia. The band that manned Teteh Mother along four other personnel, i.e. faith (drums), Okid (vocals), Oce (guitar), and Slave (bass), were preparing their debut album which will be released this year. Teteh Okid mother and acts as a lyricist who is inspired by their personal pengalarnan.With that feeling, it was impossible for the mother to leave Teteh world of underground music. His attitude was consistent with maintaining professionalism-between work as a kindergarten teacher and as a band vocalist of hardcore-managed to reap the respect from the people around him. A number of parents of pupils in kindergarten teaching instead to place rnenggelar watch with action stage "Jolt" on several occasions. Some of the students even particularly admire her Mother Teteh so they are-clta became rock singer as adults in the future.