Photo: Fox NewsArtikel TerkaitDengan Mug This Will Not Burned Tongue Beverage PanasGara-gara Visitors Restore Glass Bar This Fined 130 Million USD! Soda and Baking Powder Cake, What's the Difference? Selection of special glasses to tipewinedikatakan can enhance the flavor and aroma. But what about soda? Currently a renowned glass maker makes specialty glass bubble fizzy soda thus more durable. Although more and more people began to move away from the consumption of soft drinks karenamasalah health, Georg Riedel made a special glass to pour Coca-cola. A set of the contents of two glasses sold for $ 29.90, or about USD 361,000 and will be available 80,000 glasses can start purchased. "I think this project is the most interesting in my whole career, has been my dream for a long time to cooperate denganbrandCoca-cola," said Riedel told Bloomberg BussinesWeek (15/01/2013). This is the first time in cooperation Reidel denganbrandminuman nonalcoholic. The new glass has an elegant curvature design that is intended to balance the taste of sweet, sour, minerals, and the sensation of bubbles of soda. With this glass, the bubbles will be more durable on the palate. Flavor will ultimately more lasting than when drinking regular soda glass and the smell was stronger. Riedel states are beginning untukbrandgelas non alcoholic, especially for people under the age of 21 years. Besides soda, Riedel predicts that more companies are designing special glasses for hot drinks such as coffee and tea. "We will talk to the new group of younger and more amenable to drink alcohol to buy glasses that we offer," said Reidel. (odi / fit) "