Early times the emergence of JIHAD, Extreme Death Metal band from Bandung, Cimahi was associated with his predecessor, Forgotten. With Typical, Sound and the concept of Lyric that is presented will be much reminiscent of the Era of "Obsession" of his Forgotten Dead when first Jihad released Debut Qiamat "tomorrow" on cassette by Extreme Souls Productions in 2002. assumption also appears briefly if Jihad is referred to as the Review as well as several Copycat Opinion then. Although difficult and Slow Jihad continues to release the Stigma occurs, the 2nd full-length Album "the devil" Strategy in 2005 via Recluse Production still unable to let go of the "Shackles" of perception Public responded, although the metal Composition in the 2nd Album is obviously better ripening the concept. Departing from this experience, the Jihad was able to slowly undoing the perception when it introduced the 3rd full-length Album of his "Origin of the Rebels Angels" by 2013 via the merger of 2 labels, Extreme Souls Productions and Krueger Records. The above questions whether the stigma has been able to completely answered here then be some questions, despite the presence of this album has been anticipated by Fans of Jihad. Maybe passing the colors carried this time still typical Extreme Death Metal with significant Crushing the dueling Riffing, Fast Beat and Harsh Growl, there was a decrease in the Tempo although it still puts a Composition tetep rocks, "Origin of the Rebels Angels" is still a Proof of existence of Jihad was never dead! If previously appear more wild, maybe this time there is the essence of the maturity Bands to better look good by presenting Guitarist Rony bring a lot of fresh wind. Arrangement as well as Enjoying a more Easy Listening is still a threat for the Band to denounce death metal fans with lyrics how dare. This is a decidedly interesting twist on the formula the band had been transgressing for nearly a decade prior, a swerve towards old school, primal death aesthetics that lend it a more ominous character.Be tracks that once Burned "star of Hell" became the Icon of the overall album, the 3rd is deliberately got his first order. with slightly more consistent writing and more standout individual riffs, it might have graduated into the field of the cult classic. A fresh breeze so challenging elaborated in compositions that keep jamming death with nuanced Lyrics Sarkatisme. The dueling Riffing slash perform slicing nearly every bar sounds more energetic action beats other instruments, and Gw found the vocal characteristics of Kancil Gabriel is a bit different from the previous explosiveness emotionally, this time feels more Rilex once disposition, so that kinda lose a bit of energetic Chemistry such as Jihad Fans know it is possible, by the way, going on the things are getting better and the speed increases reaching the blast beats too in the central part. Pattern of vocal sounds are so clear, the lyrics may be the desire of his new Desire of Gabriel Kancil. Setting Sound more Maximum and Kickin Ass! A fundamental meeting between the Malevolent Creation, Solstice with the beat great Floridan Death Metal has been the underlying Conceptual music strongly Jihad as the beginning of the first influence of Poles before, Forgotten. It is sometimes too difficult to download the Judge a concept music when a fact has been happening as the shape dynamics, although this is likely to be returned to the opinions of yourself only. "Warlord of Satan" became Anthemic Battle Liver later when Satan has mastered the human soul to come bring Revelation of war be irrefutable and no demerits. Preparation of the aesthetics of his dueling Riffing a lot of emphasis on the Tune that Technical Harmonization with dark felt song. Keep shows faster riffs with equally good mid-paced sections has a prevalent thrash metal riffage inside with lots of palm muting parts while the tremolo picking technique add a dark touch to this good track. Tetep Consistent in Musical arrangement of the temple Track still not dilated much it feels when hearing "Origin of Hate", like his thing a series of serial killings occurred between arrangement Jihad, so we don't really enjoy being thrown away here. It's not all about just speed, either, as the breakdowns in this album is how breakdowns are supposed to be. Grinding, groovy, and sure to get your head moving displaying a tremendous amount of power crucially! keep beat up full "Abomination of the Hell Angel", a steady wave of the dueling Riffing Guitar became Part so most hypnotizing Concentration Gw. it feels broken as it ripped apart by Lick conquered it so is "South Beast Rebels Angels", became a Terror and Nightmare. Somewhat Weakened tempo later with "Hellrider Legion" which will be more optimally invites us tetep Headbang! So it's like this Track deserves to be haunted for the Soundtrack of Anthem, a group of Bikers more visible Gahar, yes like Jihad Prepare Track for this need, so that its Composition is prepared to burn a little adrenaline rush. "The Subjugation of Celestial Demons" appear more devastating Attacks with his Explosiveness Blastbeat tempo. and Be a climax then was "Rebel Angel", track 2 is compositionally more accent destroy seeds peler passing Draconian beats! providing the beat and throwing in some interesting and cool tricks every now and then without losing any power.Overall, Secara Keseluruhan materi " Origin of the Rebels Angels " tetep menyuntikkan Darah Segar, darah Pemberontakan kuat dengan Moralitas dan Kekuatan Positif melawan keadaan. melepaskan diri dari Stigma sebelumnya, sudah Gw anggap pada titik keberhasilannya bagi Jihad dengan lebih menyuguhkan Progres Death Metal yang semakin Ciamik ! The production is incredibly pounding and heavy, even heavier than the previous efforts and it’s also fucking clear. dan Xenophobic Records (Australia) tetap menjadi Konten Musikal-nya terjaga seperti pada Versi Pertamanya, Xenophobic Records hanya kembali menggambarkan Materi ini menjadi " Lebih " Berdarah dengan Artwork berbeda, dari Black And White menjadi " Bloodred " banget ! 10 Booklet Profesional Page Exclusive dengan Dominasi Warna Merah Darah memberikan kesan " Angker " tersendiri dirilisan Ulang yang tersedia sangat terbatas sekali untuk beberapa Kopi saja. Perhaps the most important factor to this album, though, is that the longstanding Florida maniacs show no real signs of aging. This album is sure to make their Type Old-School fans happy while sucking newer listeners into their highly respected fold.