Namun Tesla mengaku, bonus trek ini sudah ia buat sejak November 2013 saat ia tampil di acara Dies Nalais salah satu unit kesenian ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung) yang memfokuskan kegiatannya pada kesenian Bali, Mahagotra Ganesha, yang tampil membantunya di album ini. Bukan sengaja ia buat sesaat sebelum album dirilis ulang.
Mereka ngajak gue kolaborasi lagi waktu itu, tapi dengan lagu baru. Akhirnya gue bikin, tapi itu gue simpen dan baru gue masukin di album reissue ini. Kebetulan kan album ini juga belum gue jual secara nasional, cuma gue jual pas manggung-manggung aja," beber Tesla kepada
Namun demikian, pemain gamelan di kedua trek tersebut tidak sama dengan enam trek lainnya karena Mahagotra Ganesha, kata Tesla, selalu melakukan regenerasi. "Kalau band-nya sih sama. Terus kenapa judulnya juga nggak gue terusin jadi Part7 dan 8 karena kisahnya memang terpisah. Itulah kenapa gue bikin "Part 1" lagi tapi dengan embel-embel bonus.
But Tesla confessed, bonus tracks have been made since November 2013 when he appeared on the show Dies Nalais one arts unit ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung) which focuses its activities on the arts of Bali, Mahagotra Ganesh, which helped him in this album. Not accidentally he made shortly before the album's release.Their ngajak gue collaboration again this time, but with new songs. Finally I make, but it's a new gue gue simpen and enter in this reissue album. Fluke's album also haven't I sell nationally, just I'm selling fitting gig-gig wrote, "beber Tesla to GitarPlus.netHowever, the gamelan players on both the tracks are not the same as six other tracks because Mahagotra Ganesha, Tesla said, always do a regeneration. "If his band Hell is the same. Continue to why its title is also not gue terusin so Part7 and 8 because her story is indeed separate. That's why I make the "Part 1" again but with frills bonus.

But Tesla claimed, bonus tracks already he has made since November 2013 when he appeared on the show Dies Nalais one art unit ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung) which focuses on the art of Bali, Mahagotra Ganesha, who appeared to help him in this album. Not accidentally he made shortly before the album was re-released. They invites collaboration me again this time, but with new songs. Finally I make, but it's my new simpen and I enter in this reissue album. Incidentally it is also not my album sales nationally, I just sell pas gig-gig wrote, "revealed Tesla to However, gamelan players on both these tracks are not the same as the six other tracks because Mahagotra Ganesha, said Tesla, always to regenerate. "If his band does the same. Then why the title is also not my terusin so Part7 and 8 because it is a separate story. That's why I make a "Part 1" again but with frills bonus.