International Whether The U.s. Deliberately Let Japan Attack Pearl Harbor?National Archives and Records AdministrationAboard the USS Arizona is one of the U.S. warships that sank due to the surprise attack Japan US Bases to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on 7 December 1941.Sunday, December 7, 2014 | 07: 00 pm before 8 a.m. on December 7, 1941, Imperial Japan fighters hundreds attacked the U.S. naval base Pearl Harbor near Honolulu, Hawaii.Japan's lightning attack only lasted less than two hours, but the result is really thrilling. Japan managed to destroy 20 U.S. warships, including eight large ships, 200 aircraft and killing more than 2,000 US soldiers.Attack Japan it bak awaken the "sleeping giant". The day after the attack, Presien Franklin Delano Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on Japan.The u.s. Congress approved a petition by just one vote which gave a different opinion (dissenting opinion). Three days later, the allies Japan, Germany and Italy declared war on the UNITED STATES which also replied to the statement of the u.s. Congress. And, the U.S. official involved in World War II.However, it appears the question about the attack on Pearl Harbor it. Does the u.s. Government have been aware of the attack plan and let it, so have the reasons for plunging into war?Intelligence memorandum ALSome of the evidence which was opened after the war was over enlarging the chances that the u.s. Government is letting Japan hit Pearl Harbor. Based on a number of documents, President Roosevelt already get a warning about the attack three days before Japan aircraft strikes.The information was contained in a memorandum from the Office of the US Naval Intelligence, who warned that the threat of war on the U.S. it is the real thing."In anticipation of open conflict with the u.s., Central Japan to maximize its potential to menumulkan any commercial information, marine and military angkalan, especially against the Panama Canal and the West coast of Hawaii," so most of the contents of the memorandum as thick as that page 26.Memorandum dated 4 December 1941 it had the status of confidential and titled "Intelligence and propaganda of Japan in the u.s.". The memorandum also specifically expose the efforts Japan had done reconnaissance against Hawaii in the section titled "methods of operation and the target of the attack."The report underlines the possibility of underground movement in Japan, where 40 percent of the population are descendants of Japan. The report also expose how the Consulate of Japan in the U.S. West coast have been gathering information about the strength of U.S. air and naval forces.The memorandum which is now stored in the library and museum of Franklin D Roosevelt, New York City was first opened in 1975 and was not published until the turn of the century.Conspiracy TheoriesUS National Archives A Japan fighter aircraft types MItsubhisi A6M2 Zero or often referred to take off from the deck of the aircraft carrier Akagi, to join the second wave of the attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 Deember 1941.Long time fans of conspiracy theories claiming President Roosevelt deliberately ignoring the many warnings about plans to attack Japan on Pearl Harbor so the U.S. has a strong reason to declare war on Japan.Because, at that time the US public opposes the desire to get involved in World War II, which many viewed as his Europeans, though Roosevelt personally supported the allies against the axis countries: Germany, Italy and Japan.Related theories of conspiracy behind the attacks is getting stronger after in January 1941, the Roosevelt Administration also ignored the warnings of the possibility of attacks that the U.S. Ambassador in reports loaded for Japan. The u.s. Government also apparently rejected a request to move the military fighter aircraft in bulk to Hawaii.But the author of December 1841: 31 Dayst that Changed America and Saved the World, Craig Shirley has another opinion. These historians are convinced there is no any conspiracy behind the attack on Pearl Harbor."Based on all of my research, I am sure both (President) Roosevelt or other officials in the U.S. Government at the time, the Navy or the Ministry of war knowing that plan of attack. So there is no conspiracy at all, "said Shirley."Memorandum itu hanya merupakan bukti bahwa ada keyakinan bahwa Jepang tengah mempersiapkan perang namun pemerintah saat itu terkesan abai karena yakin sangat sulit memindahkan sebuah angkatan perang sejauh ribuan kilometer mengarungi Samudera Pasifik, lalu menyerang Hawaii," lanjut Shirley.Meremehkan JepangPengabaian sejumlah informasi soal kemungkinan serangan terhadap Pearl Harbor itu juga dipicu karena AS meremehkan kemampuan militer Jepang. Saat itu AS yakin Jepang tak mungkin mampu menggelar serangan lintas samudera seperti itu.Sikap meremehkan kemampuan Jepang juga menghinggapi Inggris yang tak mempersiapkan diri secara maksimal untuk mempertahankan wilayah jajahannya mulai Myanmar, Malaysia hingga Singapura. Hanya berselang satu hari dari serangan terhadap Pearl Harbor, Jepang melakukan invasi ke Semenanjung Malaya untuk mencegah AS melakukan intervensi di Asia Tenggara.Invasi ke Semenanjung Malaya itu berakhir dengan jatuhnya Singapura pada Februari 1942 yang diwarnai menyerahnya 80.000 prajurit Inggris, Australia dan India. PM Inggris Winston Churchill menyebut jatuhnya Singapura sebagai "bencana terburuk" dalam sejarah militer Inggris.Boleh saja berbagai teori konspirasi dituangkan di seputar kisah serangan Pearl Harbor, namun yang jelas aksi Jepang itu secara tidak langsung ikut mengubah jalannya sejarah. As a result of the attack, a previously neutral U.S. declares war on Japan. Declaration of war it supported Congress and the US public. So after a two-year war broke out, the US official involved in the conflict which was originally by the American public is referred to as the "European war".Editor: Hardoko ErvanSource: Various Sources 0 18 11Read comments (41) post a commentRead AlsoAfter the death, returning to Pearl HarborIn memory of the 70 years of the Doolittle RAIDJapan Attack Pearl Harbor 71 years agoLatest NewsMultiply The SPBG, PGN Borrowed Land Belonging To JakproU.s. Senator Urges RI Release Documents human rights violations 1965-66The Growth Of The Vehicle DownRoad Users Abai, Death LurksBACK TO TOPNews | Economy | Ball | Sports | Tekno | Entertainment | Automotive | Health | Female | Travel | Property | Education | Science | Forum | KompasianaAbout Policy Contact Us Career Guide Media Siber© 2014 PT Kompas Cyber Media×Whether The U.s. Deliberately Let Japan Attack Pearl Harbor?Pt Kompas Cyber MediaFree-Play In GoogleVIEW