Foreign Service Office PajakBadandan to thank you for you participation in financing the country's development through tax payments during this time.
As you know, most of the sources of funds to finance the development of our country today comes from tax revenue, including from taxes that you deposited.
Based on the results of our administration to tax obligations brother, is delivered with the following matters:
1. Until now, the company you have not depositing and reporting SPT Masa PPh Article 21 is payable for the tax year 2014
2. In accordance with Article 39 of Law No. 6 of 1983 concerning General Provisions and Tax Procedures as last amended by Act No. 28 of 2007, among others, stated that any person who knowingly fails to submit the Notice, which has not paid tax deducted or collected that can lead to a loss in state revenue shall be punished with a minimum imprisonment of 6 (six) months and not later than 6 (six) years and a fine of at least two (2) times the amount of tax payable tidakataukurang paid and at most four (4 ) times the amount of tax payable is not paid or underpaid.
3. Therefore, to avoid the imposition of sanctions which will mernberatkan brother then requested that you immediately deposit and the SPT Masa PPh Article 21 of the taxable year 2014.
If you need assistance and consultation in respect of this, you can contact Machmuddin Account Representative at telephone number ( 021) plane 79181004/5/619 113.
Similarly, we say, a bag of attention and cooperation we thank you.