G. AblasiBibit yang tertahan di pembibitan selama lebih dari 24 buland翻訳 - G. AblasiBibit yang tertahan di pembibitan selama lebih dari 24 buland英語言う方法

G. AblasiBibit yang tertahan di pem

G. Ablasi
Bibit yang tertahan di pembibitan selama lebih dari 24 bulan
diperkirakan akan berbunga. Bunga ini harus dibuang saat
pemangkasan pelepah
H. Administrasi pembibitan
1. Untuk mendukung kelancaran teknis operasional lapangan di
pembibitan, diperlukan sarana administrasi yang baik dan dapat
menyajikan data yang tepat dan up date, mulai dari tahap
penerimaan kecambah, persemaian, pembibitan utama hingga
saat pemindahan ke lapangan.
2. Peta pembibitan perlu dibuat untuk mengetahui secara lebih
detail letak setiap kelompok sumber asal bibit dan jumlahn
Hal yang sangat penting pada pembangunan kebun kelapa sawit adalah
penanaman. Jumlah pohon dan posisi tanaman memegang peran penting
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
G. AblationSeeds stuck in the nursery for more than 24 monthsexpected to bloom. This interest must be discarded when thetrimming the stemH. Administration of nurseries1. to support the smooth operation of the technical field innursery, needed a good administration means and canpresenting the right data and up date, starting from the stage ofthe acceptance of seedling nursery, nursery, primary andWhen moving into the field.2. Map nurseries need to be made to find out moredetails of the location of the original source of any group of seedlings and jumlahnF. PLANTINGINTRODUCTIONThings are very important in the construction of the palm groves areplanting. The number of trees and the position of the plant holds an important role
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
G. Ablation
Seedlings retained in the nursery for more than 24 months
are expected to bloom. This interest should be discarded when
pruning fronds
H. Administration nursery
1. To support technical field operations in
the nursery, the necessary means of good administration and can
present the right data and up to date, starting from the
receipt of sprouts, nursery, primary nursery until
the time of transfer to the field.
2. Map nurseries need to be made ​​to find out in more
detail the location of the source of origin of each group of seeds and jumlahn
It is very important to the development of oil palm plantations are
planting. The number of trees and plants play an important role position
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