Humiliation, unit death metal asal Bandung ini baru saja merilis album翻訳 - Humiliation, unit death metal asal Bandung ini baru saja merilis album英語言う方法

Humiliation, unit death metal asal

Humiliation, unit death metal asal Bandung ini baru saja merilis album ke-2 yang diberi judul Fatamorgana. Adam, Agi, Vman dan Iho membentuk Humiliation atas dasar keinginan untuk mencoba mengembangkan harmonisasi musik death metal. Scene metal yang sangat besar dan kuat mengajarkan banyak hal bagi Humiliation untuk mencoba tampil lebih mendapatkan perhatian.

Harmonisasi musik Humiliation yang sangat dinamis mengangkat dan mengajak kita untuk naik dan turun dengan cepat tanpa pernah berhenti sejenak. Di tengah aktivitas Humiliation yang sedang mengerjakan beberapa pekerjaan rumah pasca rilis Fatamorgana, Gigsplay berhasil mewawancarai mereka dan membicarakan banyak hal, mulai dari hujatan hingga menuju Indonesia yang terbaik. Simak wawancaranya di bawah ini.

Bisa diceritakan tentang album Fatamorgana ini?

Album barunya masih dalam tema yang sama dengan album sebelumnya, kita masih mengulas tentang penghujatan di album ke 2 ini. Kita kupas alasan kenapa kita bikin cerita di album pertama setiap komponen dan tokoh antagonisnya kita ceritain lebih detail di album ke 2. Rencananya kita bikin cerita trilogy, jadi kemungkinan nanti album ke 3 masih satu tema dan satu cerita sama album satu sama ke 2.

Kalian menghujat apa atau siapa sebenarnya?

Yang kita hujat mungkin lebih ke sosial, tentang kebenaran norma-norma agama dan keyakinan setiap orang di dunia ini kebenaran tentang sebab dan akibat.

Dan itu menjadi tema yang selalu kalian angkat?

Buat tema album trilogi ini mungkin pembahasannya masih kesitu karena masih banyak kasus-kasus pembodohan yang belum kita angkat di lagu-lagunya Humiliation.

Bisa dikasih contoh gak kasus yang kalian ‘hujat’ atau angkat di lagu yang mana?

“Yang Maha Kuasa”. Abstraknya makna Tuhan di mata orang saat ini, sekarang orang lebih cenderung malu sama orang lagi dari pada malu sama penciptanya sendiri, sekarang orang lebih menghargai orang lain dibanding menghargai penciptanya sendiri.

Dari gambaran tersebut, berarti kalian mencoba untuk menyinggung beberapa pihak lewat musik yang kalian ciptakan ya….

Kurang lebih gitu.

Sebenernya, tujuan dari musik yang kalian ciptakan itu apa?

Kita mau ngasih tau semua pendengar musik Humiliation, bahwa banyak sekali penyimpangan norma yang kita buat namun terkadang kita tidak sadar kalo kita juga salah satu yang melakukan penyimpangan tersebut, kita pengen musik Humiliation jadi reminder buat temen-temen semua, buat gak melakukan kebodohan seperti yang kita ulas di lagu-lagu kita.

Berarti ada harapan untuk tidak melakukan ‘kebodohan’ atau perubahan ya.


Jika keadaan sosialnya sudah sesuai harapan, apa yang akan kalian ‘hujat’ atau angkat?

Cari yang kebenarannya masih belum bisa pastikan

Dari segi teknis, bagaimana proses kreatif di album ini?

Prosesnya lancar, dijalankan seperti proses penggarapan album biasanya, paling durasi pembuatan materinya aja yang bisa dibilang singkat, hanya memakan waktu 1 setengah bulan, udah rampung semua. Proses rekamannya juga gak lama, sebulan aja.

Melalui proses jamming atau?

Materinya dihajar di studio langsung. Soalnya brifingan gak efektif buat kami, karena kebanyakan curhat jadinya (tertawa).

(Tertawa). Siapa saja pihak luar Humiliation yang terlibat di album ini?

Ada beberapa musisi lokal ternama yang kita culik di album ini, seperti Akew dari Nectura, Lookas dari Tcukimay, ada Bottlesmoker sama Anggi dari Revenge The Fate. Nah untuk cover album kita buat sama Par Olofsson dari Swedia. Terus buat mastering mixing kita kerjain sama operator kita dari album pertama, yaitu Zoteng Pampret dari Forgotten.

Okay, kalian memang senang melibatkan banyak seniman ya di album kalian? apa ini sebuah strategi khusus?

Alasan kita bawa banyak guest artis karena kita ngefans, terus Humiliation terinspirasi sama mereka, semua kita apresiasi sama sepak-terjang mereka di scene indie ini sudah banyak hal dan panjang perjalanannya. Jadi kita ajakin deh semua.

Salah satu yang menarik dari kolaborator di album ke-2 kalian adanya seniman dari Swedia ya. Gimana ceritanya bisa kerja bareng dia?

Alasan kita ajak bule buat project album ke 2 ini ya karna dia gambarnya keren-keren, terus gambar-gambar kerennya banyak digunakan sama band-band ‘ngeri’ semua. Ada The Faceless, Exodus, Disavowed. Sebetulnya yang paling menarik di album ke 2 ini kita bisa ajak Bottlesmoker join. Ini malah jadi trigger adrenalin kita buat mikir beribu kali ngemix death metal sama electropop, dan hasilnya amazing.

Gimana prosesnya kerja bareng orang Swedia tadi

Prosesnya cepet kok cuma via email. Kita kasih referensi album kita pertama sama beberapa sample album ke 2. Dia curat-coret jadi gambar dalam waktu 6 jam. Singkat!

Respon dari publik tentang Fatamorgana

Alhamdulillah kalo diliat dari penjualan sih kaget. Dari 1000 keping, sisa 50 keping lagi.

Sekarang pasca rilis, sibuk ngerjain apa?

Sibuk promosi sama atur jadwal tour album ke 2. Insya Allah ke kejar se-Indonesia di 18 kota. Kita mulai bulan April tournya. Udah ada beberapa kota yang bersedia bantu kita promo.

Ada rencana rilis ulang untuk penambahan stock?

Kayanya sih engga. Biar eksklusif. Tapi kita bikin kaset kayanya

Mengenai nama, Humiliation. 2 band yang menggunakan nama tersebut, kalian dari Indonesia dan satu lagi dari Malaysia. Keduanya memainkan death metal juga.

Sebelum kita memulai karir udah ada sempet yang confirm ke kita soal Humiliation Malaysia. Tapi gapapa hajar aja. Soalnya kasus ini mungkin sama kaya Disgorge di USA. Dalam satu benua ada 2 band yang namanya sama. Disgorge USA sama Disgorge Mexico.

Pernah mengelami respond dari pendengar kalian? seperti salah band atau lainnya?

Alhandulillah sering

Terus kalian cuek aja? ga akan merubah sedikit pun untuk menandai bahwa kalian Humiliation dari Indonesia

Kita coba sosialisasikan buat ngasih tau mereka tentang keberadaan kita di Indonesia. Yang bedakan kita sama Malaysia mungkin karyanya lebih ‘wanieun’ (berani) daripada yang Malaysia. Indonesia harus terbaik!

Okay, berbicara tentang metal yang secara fakta menjadi kelompok yang memiliki pendengar terbesar di Indonesia. Bagaimana menurut kalian perkembangan metal di Indonesia?

Mengerikan dan semakin menjadi mimpi buruk buat para mainstream.

Apa yang terjadi memangnya?

Ya semakin banyak muda-mudi yang menggandrungi musik kita semakin terbuka luas ya. Dilihat dari banyaknya event. Media yang mengangkat scene underground. Penjualan merch yang gila-gilaan. Bisa dijadikan bukti scene ini mulai meluas.

Kalo dari strukturnya, musik metal dengan segala pergerakannya sudah menjadi industri yang besar dan mapan. Tanggapan kalian?

Bener banget

Bagaimana proses regenerasinya?

Macam-macam. Sejauh ini sudah banyak event yang mau membantu band-band baru untuk tampil di event skala besar adanya content event yang menampilkan band dengan audisi berdasarkan demo yang dia punya.

Apakah scene metal pernah menjadi objek ‘hujatan’ yang kalian angkat di lagu kalian?

Belum pernah sih..Soalnya menurut kami hubungannya agak jauh.

Sebuatkan 5 band Indonesia yang wajib pembaca Gigsplay simak

Carnivored, Auman, Sigmun, Suri, Navicula
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Humiliation, death metal band from Bandung has recently released the 2nd album titled FATA Morgana. Adam, Agi, Vman and Iho form Humiliation on the basis of a desire to try to develop harmonization of death metal. The metal scene is very large and powerful taught many things to Humiliation to try to appear more attention.Harmonization of the Humiliation very dynamic music is uplifting and invites us to go up and down quickly without ever stopping. In the middle of the activity of the Humiliation that was working on some homework post release of the Mirage, Gigsplay managed to interview them and talk about many things, ranging from blasphemy to toward Indonesia at its best. Check out the interview below.Be told about the album Mirage?His new album is still in the same theme with the previous album, we are still commenting on blasphemy in this 2nd album. We Peel the reasons why we make a story on the debut album of each component and antagonisnya we ceritain more details on the album to 2. The plan we make stories trilogy, so the possibility of later albums to the 3 still one theme and one story each album to the same 2.You guys what or who is actually blasphemous?We may be blasphemy to social, about the truth of religious norms and beliefs of every person in this world the truth about cause and effect.And it became a theme that always you guys raise?Create a theme album trilogy this is probably some of the still over there because there are still many cases of tricking the lift that we haven't in the Humiliation of his songs.Can be given an example not the case that you guys ' blasphemy ' or lift in the songs where?"The Almighty". Abstraknya the meaning of God in the eyes of people today, right now people are more likely to be the same people shy away from similar embarrassment on its creator's own, now people are more appreciative of others than to appreciate their creator himself.From the picture, it means you guys try to offend several parties through music that you guys created Yes. ...Less is more so.Actually, the purpose of the music that you guys created what?We all know ngasih Humiliation music listeners, that an awful lot of deviation of the norm that we make but sometimes we are not aware of our reply is also one who does such deviations, we want the music of Humiliation so temen-temen buat reminder all do not create ignorance as we review in our songs.Means there is hope for not doing the ' stupidity ' or changes to Yes.No doubtIf social circumstances already fit the expectations, what would you guys ' blasphemy ' or lift?Search the truth still has not been able to verify thatFrom the technical point of view, how the creative process in this album?The process is running smoothly, such as the implementation process of the album, most usually the duration of material creation wrote that arguably short, takes only 1 and a half months, I've completed all. The process of her long, also not a month aja.Through the process of jamming or?The material is beaten in the studio directly. Because brifingan not effectively create us, because most of the vent would (laughs).(Laughs). Anyone outside parties Humiliation involved in this album?There are several well-known local musicians we culik on this album, like Nectura, of Akew Lookas from Tcukimay, there is the same Anggi Bottlesmoker from Revenge The Fate. Well for album covers we make same Par Olofsson of Sweden. Continue to make mastering mixing we kerjain same operator us from the first album, that is Zoteng Pampret of the Forgotten.Okay, you guys are glad indeed involve a lot of artists on the album Yes you guys? What is a special strategy?The reason we bring lots of guest artists because we continued Humiliation, ngefans same inspired them, all our appreciation of their sepak-terjang at the same indie scene has been a lot of things and the length of the journey. So we deh ajakin all.One of the highlights of the collaborators on the album the second you guys the presence of artists from Sweden Yes. How the story could work with him?The reason we invite foreigners make this 2nd album project yes because she is the picture of cool-cool, keeps pictures of cool used much the same bands ' horrified ' to all. There Are The Faceless, Exodus, Disavowed. Actually, the most interesting in this 2nd album we could invite Bottlesmoker join. This is in fact so trigger adrenaline we make thinkers thousands times ngemix same electropop death metal, and the results are amazing.How the process of working with the people of Sweden lastKok cuma cepet process via email. We love our album reference the same first few sample albums to 2. She doodles curat so image within 6 hours. Brief!The response from the public about MirageAlhamdulillah, kalo diliat from sales hell surprised. From 1000 pieces, the rest of the 50 pieces again. Now post release, busy ngerjain what?Busy promotion schedule tour set the same album to 2. God willing to pursue se-Indonesia in 18 cities. We start the tour in April. Udah there are several cities that are willing to help us promo.There are plans to rerelease the addition of stock?Rich anyway engga. Let exclusive. But we make a tape richRegarding the name, Humiliation. 2 the name of the band, you guys from Indonesia and one from Malaysia. Both are playing death metal too.Before we start a career there've only confirmed to us that the question of Malaysia Humiliation. But gapapa hajar wrote. Because this case is probably as rich Disgorge USA. In one of the continent's no 2 band of the same name. Disgorge USA Disgorge Mexico.Never respond mengelami of listener you guys? like other bands or wrong?Alhandulillah oftenKeep you guys Justin aja? GA will change one bit to mark that you guys Humiliation of IndonesiaWe try to create a socialised ngasih know about our existence in Indonesia. That is not to be confused we Malaysia may be his more ' wanieun ' (bold) than that of Malaysia. Indonesia has to be the best!Okay, talking about the metal that is the fact of being a group that has the greatest listener in Indonesia. How did you guys metal developments in Indonesia?Terrible and is increasingly becoming a nightmare for the mainstream. Indeed, what happens?Yes the more young people who menggandrungi our increasingly open wide music ya. Judging from the large number of events. The media raised the scene underground. The merch sales frenzy. Can be used as evidence of the scene began expanding.The reply from its structure, metal music, with all its movement has become a large and well established industry. Responses to you guys?Bener bangetHow the process of regenerasinya?Messes. So far there have been many events want to help new bands to perform at the event of the existence of large scale content event featuring the band audition based on a demo that he's had.What is the metal scene has ever become the object of ' blasphemy ' which you raise in the song you guys?Yet ever the hell.. Because according to our relationship a bit far.Sebuatkan 5 band Indonesia yang wajib pembaca Gigsplay simakCarnivored, Auman, Sigmun, Suri, Navicula
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Humiliation, death metal unit from Bandung recently released 2nd album entitled mirage. Adam, Agi, Vman and Iho form Humiliation on the basis of a desire to try to develop harmonization of death metal music. Metal scene is very large and strong for Humiliation teaches many things to try to look more to get attention. Harmonization music Humiliation very dynamic lifting and invites us to go up and down quickly without ever stopping. Humiliation activity in the middle of working on some homework after the release Fatamorgana, Gigsplay able to interview them and talk about many things, ranging from insults to towards Indonesia the best. Check out the interview below. Can you tell us about this Fatamorgana album? Her new album is still in the same theme with the previous album, we still review the blasphemy in this second album. We peeled the reason why we make the story in the first album of each component and antagonistic character you tell us more details on the album to 2. The plan we make the story trilogy, so the possibility of later albums to 3 is still one theme and the same story with each album to 2. You blaspheme what or who exactly? What we blasphemy may be more to the social, of the truth of religious norms and beliefs of every person in this world the truth about cause and effect. And it became a theme that always you lift? Create a theme album trilogy is probably the discussion is still over there because there are many cases that we have not duping lift in songs Humiliation. Could not given examples of cases that you 'blasphemy' or lift in the song where? "the Almighty". Abstract meaning of God in the eyes of today, now people are more likely to be embarrassed at the longer of the same embarrassment creator himself, now people are more respectful to others than appreciate the creators themselves. From the picture, it means you are trying to offend some people through music that you create ya .... Approximately so. Actually, the purpose of the music that you create is what? We start to tell all music listeners Humiliation, that a great many irregularities norm that we make but sometimes we are not aware if we are also one who did these deviations , we want music Humiliation be a reminder for my friends all, why not do stupid as we review in our songs. It means there is hope to not do the 'stupidity' or change yes. Certainly if the state of the social has been as expected, what will you 'blasphemy' or lift? Find the truth still can not be sure From a technical perspective, how the creative process on this album? The process smoothly, run like the cultivation of the album usually, at least the duration of the manufacture of the material just is arguably short, only takes 1 half months, already completed all. The recording process is also not long, just a month. Through the process of jamming or? The material is beaten in straight studio. Because brifingan not effective for us, because most of the vent would happen (laughs). (Laughter). Humiliation anyone outside parties involved in this album? There are several well-known local musicians that we kidnapped on this album, like Akew of Nectura, Lookas of Tcukimay, there is the same Bottlesmoker Anggi of Revenge The Fate. Now for the album cover we created together Par Olofsson of Sweden. Continues to make us kerjain same mixing mastering our operator from the first album, which Zoteng Pampret of the Forgotten. Okay, you guys are happy to involve so many artists in the album? What is a specific strategy? The reason we bring a lot of guest artists because we ngefans, continue Humiliation same inspired them, all of us the same appreciation of the actions of those in the indie scene's been a lot of things and a long journey. So we ajakin deh all. One of the highlights of the collaborators in the 2nd album you the artist from Sweden yes. How the story could work with him? The reason we invite foreigners for this project 2nd album yes because he is drawing cool-cool, keep cool pictures used at the bands 'horror' of all. There The Faceless, Exodus, disavowed. Actually, the most interesting in the 2nd album of this we can take Bottlesmoker join. This triggers adrenalin even so we made ​​a thousand times ngemix thinkers alike death metal electropop, and the results are amazing. How the process is working together with the Swedish earlier process cepet really only via email. We love our first album the same reference several sample albums to 2. She nozzle-streak so the image within 6 hours. Short! The response from the public about Fatamorgana Alhamdulillah if diliat of sales still shocked. 1000 pieces, the remaining 50 pieces again. Now after the release, busy work on what? Busy same promotional album tour schedule set to 2. God willing to pursue in Indonesia in 18 cities. We started in April tour. Already there are some cities that are willing to help us promo. There are plans for the re-release of additional stock? I guess it does engga. Let me exclusively. But we make tapes rich Regarding the name, Humiliation. 2 bands using the name, you are from Indonesia and one from Malaysia. Both play death metal as well. Before we embark on a career that already exist sempet confirm to us about Humiliation Malaysia. But gapapa beat wrote. Because this case may be as rich Disgorge in the USA. In a continent there are two bands of the same name. Disgorge Disgorge Mexico USA alike. Ever mengelami respond from your listeners? like one band or the other? Alhandulillah often Keep cool you wrote? it will not change in the slightest to indicate that you Humiliation of Indonesia We try to socialize for ngasih them about our presence in Indonesia. Which distinguish us at Malaysia may work more 'wanieun' (bold) than Malaysia. Indonesia should be the best! Okay, talk about the metal that is the fact of being a group that has the largest audience in Indonesia. What do you think the development of metal in Indonesia? Terrible and is increasingly becoming a nightmare for the mainstream. What happened anyway? Yes more and more young people who love our music more widely open yes. Judging from the number of events. Media who raised the underground scene. Merch sales are crazy. This scene could be used as evidence began to spread. If structure, metal music with every movement has become a huge industry and well established. Your response? Bener banget How the regeneration process? Miscellaneous. So far it has been a lot of events that would help new bands to perform in the event of large-scale presence of content event featuring bands to audition based demo that he's got. Is metal scene never be the object of 'blasphemy' that you raise in your songs? Never sih..Soalnya think we do a little far. Sebuatkan 5 Indonesian band who shall refer the reader Gigsplay Carnivored, Auman, Sigmund, Suri, Navicula

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