Kontrak bagi hasil blok Mahakam ditandatangani pada 1967 yang kemudian diperpanjang pada 1997 untuk jangka waktu 20 tahun sampai 2017. Awalnya saat eksplorasi dilakukan pada 1967, cadangan (gabungan cadangan terbukti dan cadangan potensial) minyak dan gas bumi di Blok Mahakam cukup besar yaitu 1,68 miliar barel minyak per hari, serta gas bumi sebesar 21,2 triliun kaki kubik (TCF).
Setelah mulai berproduksi dari lapangan Bekapai pada 1974, Total dan Inpex telah melakukan produksi dan pengurasan secara besar-besaran cadangan di blok Mahakam dan membuat Indonesia menjadi eksportir LNG terbesar di dunia pada kurun waktu 1980-2000.
Namun, kini setelah selama 40 tahun, sisa cadangan terbukti dan potensial minyak Mahakam saat ini diperkirakan hanya tersisa sebesar 185 juta barel dan cadangan gas diperkirakan sebesar 5,7 TCF. Pada akhir masa kontrak di 2017, diperkirakan masih tersisa cadangan minyak sebesar 131 juta barel dan cadangan gas sebanyak 3,8 TCF yang bisa dieksploitasi Pertamina.
Mahakam block results for contracts signed in 1967 which was later extended in 1997 for a period of 20 years until 2017. Initially when the exploration was conducted in 1967, reserves (the combined proven reserves and potential reserves) oil and gas the Mahakam Block in quite large i.e. 1.68 billion barrels of oil per day, and natural gas amounted to 21.2 trillion cubic feet (TCF).After starting production from the field Bekapai in 1974, Total and Inpex has done production and drain a massive reserves in the Mahakam block and make Indonesia become the biggest LNG exporter in the world in the period 1980-2000.However, now after 40 years, the remaining proven reserves and potential oil Mahakam is currently estimated to be just left out of 185 million barrels and gas reserves estimated at 5.7 TCF. At the end of their contract in 2017, estimated remaining reserves amounted to 131 million barrels of oil and gas reserves by as much as 3.8 TCF can be exploited with Pertamina.

Mahakam block production sharing contract signed in 1967 which was subsequently extended in 1997 for a period of 20 years until 2017. Initially during the exploration carried out in 1967, reserves (combined proven reserves and potential reserves) of oil and gas in the Mahakam block is large enough that 1.68 billion barrels of oil per day, and natural gas amounted to 21.2 trillion cubic feet (TCF). Upon commencement of production from the field Bekapai in 1974, Total and Inpex has done production and a massive depletion of reserves in the Mahakam block, making Indonesia the exporters The world's largest LNG during the period 1980-2000. However, now after 40 years, the rest of proven and potential oil reserves Mahakam currently the only remaining estimated at 185 million barrels and gas reserves are estimated at 5.7 TCF. At the end of the contract in 2017, estimated remaining oil reserves of 131 million barrels and gas reserves of as much as 3.8 TCF can be exploited by Pertamina.