Kekhawatiran ini juga direspons Rahmat Jabaril, seniman yang tinggal di kawasan Dago Pojok, sekitar 1 kilometer dari Jalan Djuanda. Ia ambil kembali lukisan di atas kanvas berukuran 1,5 meter x 2 meter. Seperti buku harian, ia mengisi kanvas bercat tebal itu dengan cat minyak menggunakan tangannya.
Dibuat pertama kali saat ""kisruh"" KPK dan polisi enam tahun lalu, yaitu pada 2009, Jabaril mengatakan, lukisan ini tidak akan selesai apabila korupsi masih ada. Ia sendiri tidak mengetahui akhir dari karya berjudul ""Tolak Bala untuk Koruptor"" yang bercerita tentang 10 wajah jahat Rahwana itu. Bisa berakhir dengan warna cerah atau justru semakin didominasi warna hitam.
""Lukisan ini mungkin tidak akan pernah selesai selama korupsi tetap menguasai negeri ini,"" katanya.
Jabaril mengatakan, pejabat negara yang hidup terbelit korupsi seharusnya malu kepada warga dan anak-anak Dago Pojok, Kecamatan Coblong, Kota Bandung. Warga di daerah itu yang lulusan SD mau berusaha mengejar pendidikan persamaan untuk ijazah pendidikan lebih tinggi.
These concerns also respond to Grace Jabaril, an artist who lives in the Dago Corner, about 1 kilometer from the road Djuanda. He took back the painting on canvas measuring 1.5 metres x 2 metres. Like a diary, she filled it with thick-painted canvas oil paint using his hands.Made first time "" chaotic "" the KPK and the police six years ago, i.e. in 2009, Jabaril says, this painting will not be completed if the corruption still exists. He himself does not know the end of the paper titled "Talisman" for the "Corruptor" which tells the story of the evil Ravana face it 10. Could end up with bright colors or thus increasingly dominated the color black."" It may never be finished as long as corruption remains the master of the country, "he said.Jabaril says, State officials who live entangled in corruption should be ashamed to the citizens and children of an area, the corner of Dago, Bandung. Residents in the area who graduated ELEMENTARY SCHOOL want to attempt pursuing education equation for a higher education diploma.

This concern also responded Jabaril Rahmat, an artist who lives in Corner Dago area, approximately 1 kilometer of Jalan Juanda. He took back the painting on canvas measuring 1.5 meters x 2 meters. Such as diary, he fills the thick canvas painted with oil paints using his hands.
Created the first time when "" chaotic "" KPK and the police six years ago, namely in 2009, Jabaril say, this painting will not be completed if the corruption still exists. He himself does not know the end of the work entitled "" Reject Bala for Corruptor "" which tells the story of 10 face the evil Ravana. Could end up with bright colors or even more predominantly black.
"" This painting may never be completed as long as corruption remains master of this country, '' he said.
Jabaril said state officials who lived entangled in corruption should be ashamed to citizens and children Dago Corner, District Coblong, Bandung. Residents in the area who want to try pursuing graduate education elementary equation for higher education diplomas.