BOYOLALI, -Tenda sudah dipasang di depan rumah duka Serka Sutrisno di Dusun Pojok, Kecamatan Nogosari, Boyolali. Sutrisno adalah salah satu prajurit yang tewas dalam kecelakaan pesawat Hercules C130 di Medan, Sumatera Utara, kemarin.
Kerabat dan tetangga sudah berdatangan untuk menunggu kedatangan jenazah lelaki berusia 31 tahun itu.
Meski sempat ditawari oleh TNI AU untuk dimakamkan di Taman Makam Pahlawan, namun pihak keluarga memilih untuk memakamkan Sutrisno di tanah kelahirannya, Boyolali.
""Isterinya sudah setuju, dan keluarga juga iya, kalau akan dimakamkan di Makam Desa Pojok, sekitar 800 meter dari rumah,"" kata Suroto, kakak ipar Serka Sutrisno, di rumah duka, Rabu (1/7/2015).
BOYOLALI, already installed in front of the funeral home in the hamlet of Sutrisno Serka Corner Nogosari, Boyolali, district. Sutrisno was one of the soldiers who died in the Hercules C130 plane crash in Medan, North Sumatra, yesterday.Relatives and neighbors are already pouring in to await the arrival of the corpse of a man aged 31 years.Although he had offered by the AIR FORCE to be buried in the garden of the tomb of the hero, but the families chose to bury the Sutrisno in his homeland, Boyolali."" His wife had agreed, and the family is also Yes, if it will be buried in the Graveyard of the village Corner, about 800 meters from the House, "" said Suroto, brother-in-law Serka Sutrisno, at the funeral home, Wednesday (1/1/2015).

BOYOLALI, -Tenda been installed in front of the funeral home in the hamlet sergeant Sutrisno Corner, District Nogosari, Boyolali. Sutrisno was one soldier who was killed in a plane crash Hercules C130 in Medan, North Sumatra, yesterday. Relatives and neighbors had come to await the arrival of the body of a man aged 31 years. Although the opportunity offered by the Air Force to be buried at the Heroes Cemetery, but the families choose to bury Sutrisno in his native land, Boyolali. "" His wife agreed, and the family also yes, that will be buried in the Tomb of Village Corner, about 800 meters from the house, '"said Suroto, sister in law sergeant Sutrisno, at the funeral home, Wednesday (01/07/2015).