Berikut alasan-alasan ketidak nyamanan saya selama bekerja di PT INKAL翻訳 - Berikut alasan-alasan ketidak nyamanan saya selama bekerja di PT INKAL英語言う方法

Berikut alasan-alasan ketidak nyama

Berikut alasan-alasan ketidak nyamanan saya selama bekerja di PT INKALI :
1. Saya mulai merasa tidak nyaman di INKALI ketika kontrak saya habis hanya diperpanjang saja dan tidak di angkat dan alasan yang saya dapatkan dari INKALI tidak jelas, saya sudah bertanya kepada Mr ootani tidak ada penjelasan begitupula dari pak endar dan alasan inkali sampai sekarang mengenai status perpanjangan saya tidak jelas di dalam diri saya timbul pertanyaan apakah saya masih di pakai atau tidak oleh inkali? dan saya tidak yakin kontrak saya di tahun 2015 saya akan diangkat atau diperpanjang.
2. Perlakuan Mr Ootani terhadap saya berberda dengan perlakuan Mr Ootani terhadap sales yang lain sehingga dari cara penyampaian sangat berbeda dan lama jauh dengan yang lain, saya tidak bisa mengutarakan pendapat dan akhirnya saya harus ikut perkataan Mr Ootani dari situ membuat saya merasa tambah tidak nyaman.
3. Setiap meeting hari senin saya merasa tertekan, saya sadar saya adalah salesmen baru pasti ada kesalahan yang saya buat dan harusnya diberi pengarahan dan solusi bukan diperlebar karena kesalahan sedikit diperpanjang dan dibesar-besarkan sehingga pembahasan tersebut dibahasnya lama.
4. saya suka mendapat press dari Transleter, bisa ngomelin saya bahkan kadang-kadang suka memakai emosi, saya terima kalau perlakuan itu dari atasan saya (Mr Ootani atau pak Endar) tapi saya tidak terima kalau saya diperlakukan seperti itu oleh transleter karena menurut saya dia tidak mempunyai hak seperti itu mengikuti Mr ootani.
5. Mengenai gate pass menurut saya sangat ribet karena salesman bekerja di luar ruangan sehingga tidak memerlukan gate pass yang penting ada kabar mau ke mana kepada atasan ,bahkan meminta gate pass pun kadang-kadang suka dipersulit sehingga malas untuk membuat gate pass
6. Gaji yang saya dapatkan hanya gaji pokok saja tidak ada uang makan dan lembur sehingga tidak ada uang tambahan dan menguras uang pribadi saya dan apabila ada masalah diluar asuransi harus ditanggung sendiri sehingga menurut saya banyak uang pribadi saya di pakai untuk keperluan pekerjaan dan tidak dibiayai oleh perusahaan
7. Salesman mempunyai kelebihan memegang mobil tapi pada saat dilapangan setiap pergi kemanapun harus dicatat km seperti seorang supir dan tidak boleh di pakai untuk keperluan pribadi jadi saya tidak mempunyai kebanggaan sebagai seorang salesman.
Demikian penjelasan ketidak nyamanan saya selama bekerja di PT INKALI dan saya meminta maaf kalau ada kata kata saya banyak kekurangan, tidak memuaskan bahkan menyinggung perasaan seseorang, terima kasih saya sudah diberi kesempatan untuk bekerja di PT INKALI.
Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya saya ucapkan terima kasih.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Here are the reasons for my inconvenience during works in PT INKALI:1. I started to feel uncomfortable in INKALI when my contract runs out only extended only and does not in the lift and the reason that I got from INKALI is not clear, I've asked Mr. ootani no explanation neither from Mr. endar and inkali reasons up until now about the status of the extension I am not clear in my self arises the question whether I am still in use or not by inkali? and I'm not sure my contract in 2015 I will be lifted or extended.2. the treatment of Mr. Ootani berberda towards me with Mr. Ootani treatment against other sales so delivery is very different from the way the old and much with others, I could not have expressed an opinion and finally I had to take the word of Mr. Ootani from there made me feel uncomfortable added.3. each meeting Monday I feel depressed, I realized I was new salesmen there must have been a mistake that I made and should have been given a briefing and a solution is not extended because of mistakes a little extended and exaggerated so that the discussion dealt with long ago.4. I love to get press from Transleter, my ngomelin can even sometimes likes to wear emotion, I receive if my Topper from treatment (Mr. Ootani or pak Endar) but I do not accept if I was treated like that by transleter because it seems to me that he has no such right to follow Mr. ootani.5. regarding gate pass in my opinion very elaborate because salesmen work outdoors so that it does not require a gate pass to any news that matters to which the supervisor, even ask for any gate pass sometimes like the difficulty so lazy to make a gate pass6. the salary I get only base salary only no money to eat and overtime so that no extra money and deplete my private money and if there is a problem beyond the insurance to be covered on its own so I think a lot of my personal money used for the purposes of the work and is not financed by the company7. Car Salesman holding merit but at the moment, the situation must be noted every go wherever km as a driver and should not be used for personal use so I have no pride as a salesman. Such an explanation of my inconvenience during works in PT INKALI and I apologize if my words have many flaws, not satisfactory even offend someone, thank you I've been given the opportunity to work at PT INKALI.The attention and cooperation I thank you.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Here are the reasons for my discomfort while working at PT INKALI:
1. I began to feel uncomfortable in INKALI when my contract runs out just extended only and not in the lift and the reason that I got from INKALI not clear, I've asked Mr. ootani no explanation nor of the pack endar and reason inkali until now about the status of my extension not clear in me arises the question of whether I was still in use or not by inkali? and I am not sure of my contract in 2015 I will be lifted or extended.
2. Treatment Mr. Ootani against me berberda with the treatment of Mr Ootani against other sales that are very different from the way of delivery and long away with the others, I can not express opinions and eventually I had to follow the words of Mr. Ootani of it makes me feel more uncomfortable.
3 . Each meeting Monday, I feel depressed, I realized I was new salesmen there must be a mistake that I made ​​and should be briefed and the solution is not widened because of errors slightly extended and exaggerated so that discusses long discussion.
4. I like to get press from Transleter, can ngomelin I sometimes like to use emotion, I accept that the treatment of my boss (Mr. Ootani or pack Endar) but I do not accept that I was treated like that by transleter because I think he does not have right as it followed Mr. ootani.
5. Regarding gate pass I think is very complicated because the salesman working outdoors so it does not require a gate pass important news where to go to superiors, even asking for gate pass was sometimes love is complicated so lazy to make the pass gate
6. I get the salary base salary only just no money to eat and overtime so that no extra money and drain my personal money and if there are problems to be borne out insurance so I think a lot of my personal money used for employment purposes and is not financed by the company
7. Salesman has the advantage of holding the car but by the time the field each go where it should be noted miles as a driver and should not be used for personal purposes so I do not have pride as a salesman.
Thus the explanation of my discomfort while working at PT INKALI and I apologize if no words of my many shortcomings, do not satisfy even offend someone, thank you I've been given the opportunity to work in PT INKALI.
The attention and I thank you for your cooperation.
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