Legal Counsel of Bank Mutiara, M Mahendradatta said to resolve the case of Bank Mutiara (first Century and now J Trust) should not forget Robert Tantular. The reason, he continued, Robert Tantular is the person responsible for the loss of funds investor PT Antaboga Deltasekuritas Indonesia. "Robert Tantular was found guilty by the Central Jakarta District Court, May 12, 2015 last. This ruling as a basis for an appeal against the verdict PN-winning customer Yogyakarta Antaboga, "said Mahendradatta told reporters in Yogyakarta, Wednesday (17/6). He explained that the decision of the Central Jakarta District Court No. 210 / Pid.B / 2013 / PN / Jkts.Pst shows Robert Tantular is the party responsible for the loss of investor funds PT Antaboga Deltasekuritas. In addition, the assets seized to be returned to investors PT Antaboga Deltasekuritas. He also said Robert Tantular is a shareholder of Century through PT Century Mega Investindo who ordered products PT Antaboga Deltasekuritas Indonesian mutual funds are sold in the Bank Century. He lure investors Antaboga with high interest and fixed. But in the end, Robert Tantular carried off the money of investors PT Antaboga Deltasekuritas Indonesia. In addition, said Mahendra, in cooperation with the tycoon Robert Tantular Aluwi and Anton Tantular carried off investor funds PT Antaboga Deltasekuritas Indonesia. "This decision shows the capacity as actor Robert Tantular control and use of PT Antaboga Deltasekuritas Indonesia and PT Bank Century unlawfully to benefit themselves or others, "he said. Currently, he added, as if in solving the case of Bank Century Robert Tantular forget. "In fact there who want to protect it. In fact, Robert Tantular which makes the Bank Century was destroyed," he said.