Nuansa India yang cukup kental di lagu ini bercampur dengan suara whis翻訳 - Nuansa India yang cukup kental di lagu ini bercampur dengan suara whis英語言う方法

Nuansa India yang cukup kental di l

Nuansa India yang cukup kental di lagu ini bercampur dengan suara whistle yang menyayat serta tempo fluktuatif drum dan bass membuat repertoar ini membuat jantung berdegup kencang. Lagu ini mengukuhkan Deugalih & Folks sebagai unit folk yang paling harus diperhitungkan saat ini. Sayangnya lagu ini tidak masuk ke dalam album Anak sungai, tetapi kabarnya akan masuk ke dalam album yang selanjutnya. Seusai lagu selesai, Galih pun bercanda dengan berkata,”Album selanjutnya Deugalih alirannya progresif rock.”
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Shades of India which is quite strong in this song are mixed with heartrending whistle sound as well as fluctuating tempo drum and bass makes this repertoire makes the heart pounding. The song was confirmed Deugalih & Folks as most folk unit to be reckoned with at this time. Unfortunately the song did not enter into the album streams, but reportedly will go into the next album. After the song is finished, any Galih joked by saying, "the next Album Deugalih progressive rock style."
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Nuance India is quite thick in this song mixed with the sound of a whistle-wrenching and fluctuating tempo drums and bass make this repertoire makes the heart beat faster. The song was confirmed Deugalih & Folks as most folk unit must be taken into account at this time. Unfortunately, this song does not fit into the album tributaries, but reportedly will go into the next album. After the song finished, Galina was joking, saying, "The next album Deugalih stream of progressive rock."
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