- Derai tawa mewarnai proses wawancara calon pimpinan KPK Nina Nurlina Pramono oleh anggota Pansel, Harkristuti Harkrisnowo. Nina, pensiunan auditor Pertamina, ditanya apakah di BUMN itu tidak ada korupsi.
"Ibu auditor Pertamina, apa Pertamina ada korupsi?" tanya Tuti kepada Nina di Gedung Sekretariat Negara, Jakarta, Selasa (25/8).
Mendengar pertanyaan yang tak disangka-sangka tersebut, sontak Nina terdiam. "Apa karena ibu salah audit?" tanya Tuti kembali.
"Ya mungkin ya, Bu," ujar Nina yang membuat semua undangan yang hadir tertawa.
Setelah menanyakan latar belakang pekerjaan Nina, Tuti kembali menanyakan jumlah harta benda wanita berhijab itu. "Apa benar ibu memiliki banyak rumah?" tanya Tuti kepada Nurlina.
"Ya, banyak. Lagi dibangun. 1 di Lembang, 1 di Cinere, 1 Malang, 1 Jatibening, 1 di Bandung dan 1 kondotel di Bandung," jawab Nina.
Tak hanya rumah, Nina mengaku juga memiliki harta Rp 25 miliar, 1 unit Nisan Xtrail, 1 Toyota Alphard, dan 1 unit BMW. Harta tersebut merupakan penghasilan bersama suaminya selama 32 tahun.
"Ya BMW dibeli cash. Setelah saya kerja 30 dan suami 32 tahun, please boleh dong Bu," ujar Nina yang kembali membuat undangan tertawa.
Menurut pengakuan Nina, harta yang dimilikinya itu sudah pernah dilaporkan dalam LHKPN pada tahun 2001. Meski tak ada kewajiban untuk melaporkannya, Nina mengaku belum melaporkannya lagi setelah itu.
"Kan tidak ada kewajiban, Bu. Juga tidak ada yang minta untuk dilaporkan," tandas dia. laughter leadership candidate interview process coloring KPK Nina Nurlina Pramono by members of Pansel Harkristuti Harkrisnowo,. Nina, a retired auditor Pertamina, asked whether in STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES that there is no corruption. "Mom, what are the Pertamina Pertamina auditor there is corruption?" asked Tuti to Nina in the State Secretariat building, Jakarta, Monday (25/8).Hear the question that such a sudden, unawares Nina speechless. "What's wrong mom because an audit?" asked Tuti back."Yes probably yes, Ma'am," said Nina which make all the invitations in attendance laughed.After asking the background work of Nina, Tuti back asking for the number of possessions that berhijab women. "What is the true mother has many home?" asked Tuti to Nurlina."Yes, a lot. Again built. 1 in Lembang, 1 in Cinere, 1 Malang, 1 Jatibening, 1 in Bandung and 1 kondotel in Bandung, "answered Nina.Not just a House, Nina claimed to also have the property of Rp 25 billion, 1 unit of Nisan Xtrail, 1 Toyota Alphard, and 1 unit of BMW. The property is an income together with her husband over the past 32 years."Yes BMW bought cash. After I work 30 and husband of 32 years, please dong Bu, "said Nina who again makes an invitation to laugh.According to the confession of Nina, a treasure that has already been reported in LHKPN in 2001. Although there is no obligation to report it, report it yet again admitted to Nina after that."Kan no obligation, Bu. Nor is there any who have requested to be reported," demolished him.
翻訳されて、しばらくお待ちください.. - A burst of laughter coloring process of interviewing candidates KPK leaders Nina Nurlina Pramono by members Pansel, Harkristuti Harkrisnowo. Nina, a retired auditor Pertamina, asked whether in the state that there is no corruption. "Mrs. auditor Pertamina, Pertamina what there is corruption?" Tuti asked to Nina at the State Secretariat, Jakarta, Tuesday (25/8). Hearing the question is unexpected, Nina suddenly silent. "Is it because the mother of the audit?" Tuti asked back. "Well maybe yes, ma'am," said Nina makes all the invitees to laugh. After asking Nina employment background, Tuti again asked the amount of property that was kept woman. "Is it true that the mother has a lot of home?" asked Tuti to Nurlina. "Yes, a lot. Again constructed. 1 in Lembang, 1 in Cinere, 1 Malaysia, 1 Jatibening, 1 in Singapore and 1 Condotel in Bandung," said Nina. Not only the house, Nina admitted to also having treasure USD 25 billion, 1 unit of Nisan Xtrail, 1 Toyota Alphard, and 1 unit of BMW. Treasure is an income with her husband for 32 years. "Yes BMW bought cash. After I work 30 and the husband 32 years, please be dong Mom," said Nina that re-create the invitation laugh. According to Nina, the treasure had it already been reported in LHKPN in 2001. Although there is no obligation to report, Nina claimed not report it again after that. "Kan no obligation, Mom. Also there is a request to be reported," he said.