- A total of 13 people suffered burns in an explosion at the Lower Ground floor mall Gandaria City, South Jakarta, Thursday (19/5). Last info, three victims have been sent home and 10 people were still hospitalized in Pertamina. "Beginning a total of 13 people were treated at the Pertamina Hospital Center, but the latest information, three people have been repatriated, while 10 people are still under treatment," said Head of Public Relations Polda Metro Jaya Police Commissioner Awi Setiyono, Thursday (19/5). Awi explained, 10 victims were still getting intense treatment that is 5 persons. 5 The victim suffered burns to 30 percent, and the rest minor burns. The work to-13 people, further Awi, 3 as safety namely Khairul Umam, Ferry Bicar, and Widiyatmoko, then 9 as a contractor that is Solikul, Maryanto, Udin 1, Budi, Zaini, Udin 2, Erwin, wasno, and Warjito. "and one more victim that a woman named Lestari who are employees of tenant dairy queen," he said