Yogyakarta- Malam tahun baru Islam 1 Muharam 1436 H diperingati dengan banyak cara. Di Yogyakarta, setiap malam tahun baru 1 Muharam ada ritual topo bisu. Ritual ini dilakukan dengan mengitari beteng keraton atau mubeng beteng keraton Yogyakarta.
Dalam ritual topo bisu mubeng beteng ini, warga dilarang berbicara, makan, minum, atau menggunakan handphone dan hal-hal lainya yang bisa mengganggu ritual. Warga melakukan mubeng beteng sejauh sekitar 5-6 Kilometer. Prosesi ini diawali dari dari Bangsal Ponconiti, Keben, Keraton Ngayogyakarta tepat pada pukul 24.00 WIB. Dari Keben kemudian berjalan melewati Jalan Rotowijayan, Jalan Kauman, Jalan Agus Salim, Jalan Wahid Hasyim, Suryowijayan, Pojok Beteng Kulon, Jalan Letjen MT Haryono, Jalan Mayjen Sutoyo, Pojok Beteng Wetan, Jalan Brigjen Katamso, Jalan Ibu Ruswo, dan berakhir di alun-alun Utara.
Yogyakarta-Islamic new year's Eve 1 H 1436 Muharam is commemorated by many ways. In Yogyakarta, every new year's Eve 1 Safar there are ritual topo mute. This ritual is done by circling beteng Palace or mubeng beteng Palace.In this silent mubeng topo beteng, citizens are prohibited from talking, eating, drinking, or using a mobile phone and other things that could interfere with the ritual. Citizens do mubeng beteng so far about 5-6 kilometers. The procession started off from the ward Ponconiti, Keben, Kraton Ngayogyakarta right at 23.00 BST. From Keben then walked through Rotowijayan Street, road, Avenue Kauman Agus Salim, Jalan Wahid Hasyim, Suryowijayan, Beteng Kulon, road MT Haryono Road, Lt. Maj. Sutoyo, Beteng Wetan, Jalan Brigjen Katamso, Mother Ruswo Road, and ends at the North square.

New Years Eve Islamic Yogyakarta- 1 Muharram 1436 H is celebrated in many ways. In Yogyakarta, every New Year's Eve ritual topo 1 Muharram there mute. This ritual is performed by circling the palace or Mubeng Beteng Beteng palace of Yogyakarta. In ritual topo Mubeng Beteng mute this, residents are prohibited from talking, eating, drinking, or using a mobile phone and other things that can disrupt the ritual. Residents do Mubeng Beteng the extent of about 5-6 Kilometers. This procession begins from from Ward Ponconiti, Keben, Ngayogyakarta exactly at 24.00 pm. From Keben then walk past the road Rotowijayan, Jalan Kauman, Jalan Agus Salim, Jalan Wahid Hasyim, Suryowijayan, Corner Beteng Kulon, Letjen MT Haryono, Jalan Maj Sutoyo, Corner Beteng Wetan, Jalan Brig Katamso, Jalan Ibu Ruswo, and ends at the square North -alun.