Ketika malam datang menjemputkuAku sedang duduk sendiri di atas bukit 翻訳 - Ketika malam datang menjemputkuAku sedang duduk sendiri di atas bukit 英語言う方法

Ketika malam datang menjemputkuAku

Ketika malam datang menjemputku
Aku sedang duduk sendiri di atas bukit pasir
Bertatap pandang dengan lautan luas
Aku merenung sambil tanganku meremas - remas pasir
Aku ingin berbicara dengan lautan
Dengan awan yang beriring pergi
Dengan alam sekelilingku
Tanpa sadar, aku mendengar
Suara genderang di langit
Suaranya memecah dinding telingaku

Tiba - tiba awan menghilang
Tampaklah bintang berserakan
Di sana ada cerita

Peristiwa manusia, tergantung bagai lukisan
Di dinding - dinding langit yang luas
Bercerita tanpa kuminta

Semua itu hadir
Dalam fikiranku, dalam fikiranku
Dan tak kan pernah berhenti

Peristiwa manusia, peristiwa manusia
Siapapun juga tak bisa menghapusnya
Peristiwa manusia, peristiwa manusia
Siapapun juga tak bisa menghapusnya
Peristiwa manusia, peristiwa manusia
Siapapun juga tak bisa
Tak bisa menghapusnya

H o o o o ! ........................

Lonceng gereja kita telah menjadi sumbang suaranya
Doa - doa dalam surau menjadi asing maknanya
Para pendeta menatap alam mencari jawaban
Semua menjadi asing
Semua menjadi asing

Peristiwa manusia berputar membuat lingkaran
Hilir mudik di depan mataku
Bercerita tanpa kuminta
Masih tetap kudengar
Genderang di langit
Genderang di langit
Terdengar semakin riuh

H o o o !.........................
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
When night come pick me upI was sitting alone at the top of the dunesFace of view with the vast seaI brood while my hand squeeze-squeeze sandI want to talk to the oceanWith a cloud of beriring goWith nature about me;Unknowingly, I heardThe sound of the drums in the skyHis voice broke the walls of my earSuddenly the clouds disappearedBehold the stars scatteredThere is no storyHuman events, hanging like paintingsOn the walls of a vast skyStorytelling without I askIt all comesIn my thoughts are, in my thoughts areAnd nobody's ever stoppedHuman events, human eventsAnyone unable to remove itHuman events, human eventsAnyone unable to remove itHuman events, human eventsAnyone unable toCould not delete itH o o o o! ........................Church bells we have become discordant voicePrayers in the surau be foreign meaningThe pastor looked at nature looking for answersAll be foreignAll be foreignMake the circle spinning human eventsFro in front of my eyesStorytelling without I askStill I hearThe drums in the skyThe drums in the skySounding increasingly noisyH o o o !.........................
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
When the night came to pick me up
I was sitting alone on the dunes
Face to view the vast ocean
I contemplate while squeezing my hand - wringing sand
I want to talk to the ocean
with the clouds go hand in hand
with the natural surroundings
Without realizing it, I hear the
Sound of drums in the sky
Her voice broke the wall ear Arrived - arrived cloud disappears strewn star Appeared There is a story of human events, hung like a painting on the wall - a wall that vast sky without I ask Tells All that is present in fikiranku, in fikiranku and will never stop human events, human events Anyone not can remove human events, human events Anyone also can not remove the human events, human events Anyone also can not not be able to remove H oooo! ........................ bells of our churches have become jarring voice Prayer - prayer in the mosque into the meaning of foreign natural stared Priests seek answers all be strangers all be Foreign human events rotating in a circle Downstream down in front of my eyes I ask Storytelling without Still I hear drums in the sky in the sky Drum sounds increasingly hectic H ooo! ..................... ....

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