MAKASSAR - Presiden Direktur (Presdir) Bosowa Corporation yang turun t翻訳 - MAKASSAR - Presiden Direktur (Presdir) Bosowa Corporation yang turun t英語言う方法

MAKASSAR - Presiden Direktur (Presd

MAKASSAR - Presiden Direktur (Presdir) Bosowa Corporation yang turun tangan, membantu manajemen PSM menangani krisis finansial, memastikan bakal bayar gaji seluruh pemain, sebelum kompetisi Indonesia Super League (ISL) musim ini.

Erwin yang juga kakak kandung pemilik PSM Sadikin Aksa ini, tinggal menunggu hasil laporan akhir tim audit bentukannya. Apalagi, mereka sudah bekerja selama sepekan ini untuk menusun laporan pengeluaran keseblasan PSM selama mengarungi kompetisi ISL 2014.

Erwin Aksa mengatakan, pihaknya akan membayarkan seluruh gaji pemain yang tertunggak selama ini. Apalagi, memang sudah diaudit oleh timnya. "Kita sementara tunggu laporan akhir dan akan dilunasi semua," kata dia saat dikonfirmasi KORAN SINDO.

Selain itu, pihaknya juga masih akan melihat bagaimana polemik Persatuan Sepak Bola Seluruh Indonesia (PSSI) yang kini berpolemik dan terancam untuk dibekukan. "Kita moratorium dulu tunggu PSSI juga clear, karena sekarang sementara berpolemik," katanya.

Hingga saat ini, para pemain PSM terus menjalani latihan bersama, padahal gaji mereka tertunggak selama 4,5 bulan lamanya. Meski demikian, tim kepelatihan tetap menjalankan programnya. Apalagi, proses evaluasi manajemen belum dilakukan karena persoalan finansial yang menghambat tim.

Sementara itu, gelandang muda PSM Rasyid Assyahid Bakri mengatakan, memang saat ini para pemain tetap latihan bersama meskipun gaji mereka tidak dibayarkan. "Akhir bulan ini sudah lima bulan tertunggaknya," kata pemain berpustur mungil ini.

Rasyid menjelaskan, saat ini dirinya tetap menunggu hasil evaluasi tim, sebelum menentukan nasibnya. Terlebih, saat ini sejumlah klub memang mengincari diirinya di musim depan. "Tunggu hasil evaluasi saja, mudah-mudahan semuanya segera selesai," ungkap pemain berambut gongrong ini.

Hal yang sama juga disampaikan oleh stopper muda PSM Agung Prasetyo menurutnya, pihak PSM harus segera memberikan kejelasan gaji buat para pemain. "Kita harap segera ada kejelasan, supaya kita bisa cari klub kalau tidak dipertahankan," kata dia.

Meski demikian, dirinya mengungkapkan saat ini sudah ada beberapa tim yang mendekati dia, namun dirinya belum bisa mengambil keputusan sebelum ada hasil evaluasi. "Kita harap segera selesai," tukasnya.

Persoalan gaji yang menerpa PSM ini, bisa menbuat tim tertua di Indonesia tersebut tidak lolos verifikasi yang bakal dilakukan oleh PT Liga Indonesia selaku operator liga. Selain itu, persiapan seperti perekrutan dan pencoretan pemain terhambat. Hingga pemain yang ada di dalam skuad Juku Eja masih menunggu kejelasan apa akan disodorkan kontrak baru atau tidak.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Makassar-President Director (Presdir) Bosowa Corporation which lend a hand, help management PSM handles financial crises, ensure future pay salaries of all players, before the competition Indonesia Super League (ISL) this season.Erwin was also brother of the owner of PSM Sadikin Aksa this, just wait for the results of the audit team's final report bentukannya. Moreover, they've been working for this for a week menusun expense reports keseblasan PSM for ISL wading through 2014.Erwin Aksa said, his side will pay all the salaries of players who are delinquent over this. Moreover, it has been audited by his team. "While We wait for the final report and will be paid for all," he said when the NEWSPAPER confirmed SINDO.In addition, it also still will see how polemic Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI) which is now totally and threatened to shut down. "We used to wait for a REAL moratorium is also clear, since it now while totally," he said.Up to now, the players continue to live exercise with PSM, though their pay delinquent for 4.5 months. However, the team still run a coaching program. Moreover, management of the evaluation process has not been completed because of financial problems that hampered the team.Meanwhile, the young midfielder PSM Rashid Assyahid Bakri said, current players indeed keep their salaries even though the joint exercises are not paid. "The end of this month is already five months tertunggaknya," said berpustur this tiny player.Rashid explains, this time kept waiting for the results of the evaluation team, before deciding his fate. Moreover, at this time a number of clubs are indeed mengincari diirinya in next season. "Wait for the results of the evaluation of course, hopefully everything is finished soon," says player this gongrong haired.The same thing also delivered by young stopper PSM Agung Prasetyo according to him, the PSM must immediately provide the clarity of the salaries for the players. "We hope soon there's clarity, so that we can search the Club if not grasped," he said.Nevertheless, he revealed this time there have been several teams that approached him, but he was not yet able to take a decision prior to any evaluation results. "We hope soon done," tukasnya.The question of salary hit PSM, could he the oldest team in Indonesia will not qualify for verification that would done by the PT Indonesia as the League League operator. In addition, preparations such as recruitment and pencoretan player is hampered. Until the players in the squad are still awaiting clarity Spell Juku what will be proffered a new contract or not.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
MAKASSAR - President (President) Bosowa to intervene, assist management PSM handle the financial crisis, sure would pay the salaries of all the players, before the competition Indonesia Super League (ISL) this season. Erwin who is also the elder brother of the owner's PSM Sadikin Aksa, live awaiting the results of the final report of the audit team bentukannya. Moreover, they had to work during this week to menusun PSM keseblasan expense reports for wading ISL 2014. Erwin Aksa said it will pay the entire salary arrears for this player. Moreover, it has been audited by the team. "We wait while the final report and will be repaid all," he said when confirmed NEWSPAPER SINDO. In addition, it also will see how polemic Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI) now polemics and threatened to freeze. "We used to wait PSSI moratorium also clear, because now while polemics," he said. Until now, the players PSM continues to undergo training together, but their salary arrears for 4.5 months. However, the coaching team still run the program. Moreover, the management evaluation process has not been done because of financial problems that hinder the team. Meanwhile, the young midfielder PSM Rashid Assyahid Bakri said, it is now the players still practice together even though they are not paid salaries. "Later this month tertunggaknya five months," said the petite berpustur this. Rashid explains, today he is still waiting for the results of the evaluation team, before deciding his fate. Moreover, the current number is mengincari diirinya club next season. "Wait for the results of any evaluation, hopefully all be finished soon," said the player haired gongrong this. The same was delivered by young stopper Agung Prasetyo according PSM, PSM party must promptly provide clarity salaries for the players. "We hope that soon there is clarity, so that we can find a club that is not maintained," he said. However, he revealed now there are some teams who approached him, but he could not make a decision before the results of the evaluation. "We hope soon be finished," he said. The issue of salary that hit this PSM, can menbuat oldest team in Indonesia that did not pass the verification would be done by PT Liga Indonesia as the operator of the league. In addition, preparations such as recruitment and exclusion of players hampered. Until the existing players in the squad Juku Spell still waiting for clarity of what will be offered a new contract or not.

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