Sinyal Identifikasi adalah suatu identitas yang dapat
berupa sebuah tanda panggil (call sign), atau terdiri dari
satu atau lebih nama stasiun (name of station), lokasi
stasiun (location of station), nama pengguna (operating
agency), tanda registrasi resmi (official registration mark),
nomor penerbangan (flight identification number), sinyal
karakteristik (characteristic signal), karakteristik emisi
(characteristic of emission), atau fitur lain yang sudah
diakui secara internasional.
Signal Identification is an identity that can bea call sign (call sign), or composed ofone or more of the station name (name of station), locationstations (location of station), the user name (operatingAgency), sign the official registration (official registration mark),the number of flights (flight identification number), the signalcharacteristics (the last American signal), emission characteristics(last of emission), or other features that are alreadyinternationally recognized.

Signal Identification is an identity that can
be a sign calling (call sign), or composed of
one or more station names (name of station), the location of
the station (location of station), the user name (operating
agency), registration marks (official registration mark),
flight number (flight identification number), the signal
characteristics (characteristic signal), emission characteristics
(characteristic of emission), or other features that have been
recognized internationally.