Ke depan, BTPN akan terus melakukan diversifikasi sumber-sumber pendanaannya. Salah satunya pada 27 Februari 2015 lalu BTPN kembali memperoleh komitmen pinjaman dari IFC dalam mata uang rupiah senilai ekuivalen US$ 300 juta, di mana US$ 75 juta disediakan oleh IFC, sementara sisanya US$ 225 juta, IFC memobilisasi dana dari Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC).
Pertumbuhan yang cukup moderat di sisi kredit dan DPK, mendorong peningkatan aset BTPN sebesar 8% (yoy) dari Rp 69,7 triliun menjadi Rp 75 triliun pada Desember 2014. Adapun rasio kecukupan modal (capital adequacy ratio/CAR) sebesar 23,3%, jauh di atas ambang batas ideal yang ditentukan regulator.
Looking ahead, SHORT BTPN would continue to diversify the sources of their funding. One of them was on 27 February 2015 and SHORT BTPN back gain commitment from IFC loan in rupiah equivalent worth US $ 300 million, of which US $ 75 million provided by the IFC, while the rest of US $ 225 million, the IFC mobilizes funds from Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC).A fairly moderate growth in credit and asset enhancement, propel DPK SHORT BTPN by 8% (yoy) from Rp 69,7 trillion to Rp 75 trillion in December 2014. As for the ratio of capital adequacy (capital adequacy ratio/CAR) amounted to 23.3%, far above the ideal threshold determined regulator.

Going forward, the Bank will continue to diversify its funding sources. One was on February 27, 2015 and the Bank's re-obtain a loan commitment from IFC denominated in rupiah worth the equivalent of US $ 300 million, of which US $ 75 million provided by IFC, while the remaining US $ 225 million, IFC mobilizes funds from Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC). Growth is quite moderate in the credit side and DPK, encouraging an increase in the Bank's assets amounted to 8% (yoy) from Rp 69.7 trillion to Rp 75 trillion in December 2014. The capital adequacy ratio (capital adequacy ratio / CAR) of 23.3%, well above the specified threshold regulator ideal.