Bismillah. Insyaa Allah siang ini Abah Abu Jibriel akan melakukan operasi kanker beliau. Kemarin di tunda karena harus istirahat total. Sekarang sedang menuju ruang operasi di Rumah sakit Pertamina pusat (RSPP). Mohon doanya agar dimudahkan dan dilancarkan operasi Abah. Dan semoga lekas sembuh agar bisa kembali berdakwah. Allahumma Aamin..
Yang hebat dari Abah, jarang mengeluh, bahkan sakit aja dia gak pernah putus shalat berjamaah, gak pernah tidak hadir untuk mengisi pengajian, walaupun demam, kalau disuruh istirahat, Abah bilang, selagi masih bisa, selagi itu dia akan berdakwah, ya Rahman Ya Rahiim.. semoga Allah mengangkat segala penyakit abah, dan semoga ummi selalu sabar menjaga Abah, Aamin..
Bismillah. Insyaa Allah Abu Jibriel Abaad this afternoon would do cancer surgery. Yesterday in the delay of having to break in total. Now it is heading the operating room at Pertamina Central Hospital (RSPP). Please prayer in order to be facilitated and launched operation Abaad. And hopefully recover quickly so that it can return to call people. Allahumma Aamin..From Abanob, rarely complain, ill even wrote he never prayers in congregation broke, never not present to fill in those gatherings, even though the fever, if told to rest, Abaad said, while it still can, while he will preach, ya Rahman Yes Rahiim.. may God lift all diseases, and hopefully abanob ummi always patiently keeping Abanob, Aamin..

Bismillah. Insyaa God this afternoon Abah Abu Jibriel will perform his cancer surgery. Yesterday delayed because they have complete rest. Now to the operating room in central Pertamina Hospital (RSPP). Please prayer to be facilitated and launched operations Abah. And a get-well to get back preaching. Allahumma Aamin ..
Its great from Abah, rarely complains, even the pain she has not ever break up the prayers, do not ever not present to fill the recitation, although fever, if told to rest, Abah said that, while they could, while he would preach, yes Rahman Ya Raheem .. may Allah elevate all illnesses direction, and hopefully ummi always patiently keep Abah, Aamin ..