CHILDREN OF GAZA, founded by ANIS (ex Log Guns, ex Alas Roban, Invictus Ex, Ex Wolfgangs) on June 01 january, 2010. The man whose full name is Hussein Al Attas (born 1989) is already berrencana to establish the Children of Gaza early 2009, just can not be done at the time due to his busy by Log Guns (Log Zhelebour Production). Murder, oppression, rape rights that continue to occur to the "children of Gaza" in Gaza (Palestine) has taken the initiative to do something by way of voicing over anything that happened to them through latundan song that outlines what we call "metal". And he also combine them with the nuances of the music of the Middle East. Even so, the Children of Gaza are not just talking about "Gaza", but also other things that need to be voiced. First line-up of the Children of Gaza is Anis (lead vocals), Rocky (guitar), Ghozi (guitar), Akbar (bass), Henderson (drums), and now our formation has been changed into Anis (lead vocals), Aliem Syahdana (Lead guitar), Muhammad syarif Al Haddad (Keyboard), Freddy Pardamean (bass), Muhammad Maldo (drums). In musical, we were inspired by so many bands and styles of music, ranging from blues, classic Rock, Hard rock, progressive metal, thrash metal, death metal, speed metal, nu metal, horror metal, atmospherical, opera vocals, experimental, to folk. and folk (middle eastern) has its own role for us. Description: "we are just a bunch of musicians who can feel the pain anak2 Palestinians who until this second victimization., and we represent them to speak to the world about what is happening there and the world generally with a string tone and sya'ir we have designed so that a sharper-than pedang.kami exist based on the love of Palestine and small children, then whoever glorifies both, then we glorify.