Burgerkill tampil memeriahkan Hellprint West Java Invasion dengan membawakan lagu-lagu dari album Dua Sisi hari Minggu (16/2) di Stadion Angkasa, Lanud Sulaiman Bandung.
"Gimana penampilan kita malam ini? Apa benar-benar hardcore?, " sapa Vicky yang mengenakan wig berambut panjang.
Sosok Ivan Scumbag pun 'gentayangan' lewat lagu-lagu yang dibawakan mereka seperti "Revolt", "Hancur", "My Self", "Homeless Crew", juga "Rendah". Album yang dirilis tahun 2000 di bawah label Riotic Records.
Memenuhi permintaan begundal, track keenam berjudul "Sakit Jiwa" dipilih sebagai lagu pamungkas. Malam itu kolaborasi tercipta bersama Hardy 'Outright' dan Moegky 'Paper Gangster' serta dua begundal yang berkesempatan naik ke atas panggung.
Ninjaz appear enliven Hellprint West Java Invasion with songs from the album two sides of Sunday (4/2) in the air, 3rd Sulaiman Bandung."What about our appearance this evening? What really hardcore?, "said Vicky wearing a wig with long hair.The figure of Ivan Scumbag ever ' gentayangan ' through songs sung by them as a "Revolt", "Destroyed", "My Self", "Homeless Crew", as well as "low". The album was released in 2000 under the label Riotic Records.Meet the demand for begundal, the sixth track entitled "mental illness" is selected as the ultimate song. That night the collaboration created along Hardy ' Outright ' and Moegky ' Paper Gangsta ' as well as two begundal the opportunity to rise to the top of the stage.

Burgerkill appear enliven Hellprint West Java Invasion by performing songs from the album Two Sides Sunday (16/2) at the Stadium Space, Bandung Lanud Solomon. "What about our performance tonight? What really hardcore ?," says Vicky wearing long-haired wig. The figure was Ivan Scumbag 'wandering' through songs that they sung as "Revolt", "Crushed", "My Self", "Homeless Crew", also "Low". The album was released in 2000 under Riotic Records label. Meeting the demand goons, the sixth track titled "Mental Illness" was chosen as the ultimate song. The evening was a collaboration created along Hardy 'Outright' and Moegky 'Paper Gangster' and the two goons who had the opportunity to go on stage.