ementara Cilegowo dan Cadix alias Ical, muncul saat konser berlangsung翻訳 - ementara Cilegowo dan Cadix alias Ical, muncul saat konser berlangsung英語言う方法

ementara Cilegowo dan Cadix alias I

ementara Cilegowo dan Cadix alias Ical, muncul saat konser berlangsung. Sebelum menuju lokasi, keduanya sempat hunting kaset/CD terlebih dahulu di Blok M Square..Walahh...
Nah, mbak Eky yang muncul paling belakangan. Seperti biasa, rock n roll lady yang satu ini tampil dengan gayanya yang nyentrik, eksentrik. Keren. Doi juga punya pergaulan luas dengan para musisi.

Di acara ini saya juga berkesempatan bertemu dengan sahabat yang selama ini hanya bertegur sapa lewat komentar-komentar di Facebook, Mas John Arif, atau ngetop dengan “nama panggung” John Arif KopiRock. Doi juga seorang musisi, pemain perkusi dan penggiat musik tradisional yang super nger-rock. Matur suwun mas sudah mengenali saya... he, he, he....
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
ementara Cilegowo and Cadix aka Ical, appeared when the concert took place. Before heading to the location, both of which had hunting cassette/CD in advance on blocks M.. Walahh ...Well, ya Eky who appear most in recent times. As usual, rock n roll lady this one appeared with his nyentrik, eccentric. Cool. DOI also had intercourse with the musicians. On this occasion I also had the opportunity to meet with friends over this only pool area was sapa pass the comments on Facebook, Mas John Arif, or "with" stage name "John Arif KopiRock. DOI is also a musician, percussionist and pop music, traditional super nger-rock. Matur suwun mas already recognize me ... he, he, he. ..
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
ementara Cilegowo and Cadix alias Ical, appears when the concert took place. Prior to the location, they had hunting cassette / CD beforehand in Blok M Square..Walahh ...
Well, Ms. Eky most recent emerging. As usual, rock n roll lady this one comes with a quirky style, eccentric. Cool. Doi also has wide connections with the musicians. In this event I also had the opportunity to meet up with friends who had only spoken through the comments on Facebook, Mas John Arif, or popular with the "stage name" John Arif KopiRock. Doi also a musician, percussionist and instigators of traditional music super nger-rock. Mature suwun mas already recognize me ... he, he, he ....

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