Beside exsis of mid-1997, stands in the city of Bandung Indonesia, was born in the midst of a community which is quite famous in Indonesia "HOMELESS CREW". A project in his native band by playing hardcore music of his time from start Rykers, Strife, Earth crsis etc. Changing personnel is becoming a habit, even at the end of 2007 beside still changing personnel. Fattah, one of the guitarists beside the latter should resign! In karnakan busy work very solid. Ichad Heaven fall is the person we choose to close the empty formations, and because often we change pesonel, then beside met many new people who have musical tastes that range from start inflames, Soilwork, Dragon force, Slayer, Malevolent creations, Kataklysm etc. , Which in turn gives a new color for music beside. Metal might be a more appropriate concept for beside the now. It can not be denied that Homeless Crew is one of the communities that produce a lot of metal bands top Indonesia. Beside the band class, too, is one of the band that was born out of this community. Beside also one Indonesian metal band that often bergunta change of personnel. Beside could reap the controversy because of the tragedy that occurred at the time of launching their debut album titled "Against Ourselves" on February 9, 2008. This tragedy left 11 people dead akbat trampled because of the queues that are increasingly overlapping was held at AACC Bandung. This tragedy is one of the worst tragedies in the history of metal music world country and made the whole community of underground homeland sorry. As a result of the tragedy, the authorities finally strictly limiting series of underground music events in the city. It proved very difficult to get permission to hold a concert of music, especially the music underground, especially if the event was held at night. With this incident also makes the whole underground community ground water to clean themselves, especially the city of Bandung and make this community is becoming increasingly mature. 10 years is not a short time to complete the album, because the frequent change changing personnel, busyness time-consuming, the concept of music that is still unclear become a major factor in our delay. With the current lineup of solid Owank voc, Akew Guitar, Paneu Bass, Chad Guitar, Baby Drums, finally beside could finish our first album which was named AGAINST ourselves, which was released in late 2007 by Parapatan Rebels and absolute records. In In 2012 Akew, Paneu, and Owank officially resigned from Beside and last performed together they are in the event of Bandung Noisy 2012 is not so long ago all the blanks have been filled with players new players, Izall replace Paneu, Jepe (additional guitars) change the position Akew, Arind and Rangga (edisional vocals) fill the void Owank.kemudian Jepe replaced by Roy Nat Guitar Siregar in position, and this story is not yet finished, will Beside Patenting best position until now. BESIDE (NEW FORMATION) Beside in the Rebellion Stage performances ended the third day Jakcloth 2012. In their appearance in this Jakcloth be a special moment for the band formed since 1997. Beside that a few months ago was abandoned by 3 personnel, this time performing with the new personnel that Arind on vocals. Ijal on bass, and JP on guitar. Appearances Beside managed to satisfy hundreds of visitors Jakcloth 2012, which came in this evening. Their songs such as I Was God, Sin is a friend, and testimony Apostasy soundtrack audience moshing. One interesting thing from their appearance, for the first time their latest song titled Exterminator for their album sung.