Sy kmaren melalukan trial utk scan Barcode , hal pertama yang sy lakukan adalh
1.print barcode untuk 10 item berbeda yang akan sy trial
2. sy update master item yang ada di Software Stock taking ,dikarenakan pada saat sy scan barcode pertama kali ,pada item yang sy scan hanya muncul GMc dan deskripsi tidak terbaca dan menurut penjelasan dari training sebelumnya hal ini terjadi karena item tidak terdapat di Master item ,karena itu akhirnya sy update master item dengan data yang baru dan itemnya lebih lengkap. (sebagai perbandingan utk master item pertama berisi 38 item dan untuk update terbaru berjumlah 414 item )
3. Setelah itu dilakukan scan utk masing-masing item dan di BHT terbaca jumlah item yang sudah ter record didalam scan , dan setelah itu sya akan melakukan Upload dari BHt ke laptop .
Pada saat melakukan Upload ,diBHT sudah terbaca upload sukses, akan tetapi di Laptop hanya terbaca 1 GMC ,hal ini saya ulang lg tetap hal tersebut terjadi dan terdapat tulisan seperti digambar yang sy sertakan .
Saya sertakan data material
Mohon bantuannya dikarenakan dalam bulan ini ditargetkan BHT tsb sudah bisa dipakai.
Sy his route the scanned Barcode for trial, the first thing to do is sy 1. print a barcode for 10 different items that will be sy trial2. sy update the master items that are in Stock taking Software, because by the time the first barcode scan sy, sy scan items only appear in the GMc and unreadable description and explanation of training before this happens because there are no items in the Master item, because it finally sy update master data item with a new item and more complete. (as a comparison for the first item master contains 38 items and for the latest updates totaled 414 items) 3. once it's done scan for each item and in the number of items read BHT already ter records in the scan, and after that I will do the Upload of BHt to laptop. At the time of Upload, diBHT already read upload successful, but in Laptop only shown 1 GMC, this I restart lg fixed the thing going on and there are writings such as the drawn sy include. I include material data Please help because in this month targeted BHT tsb can already be used.

Sy kmaren put through a trial For Barcode scan, the first thing to do adalh sy 1.print barcode for 10 different items that will sy trial 2. sy update item master's in Software Stock-taking, because at the time sy barcode scanning first, on items that sy scan only appears GMC and descriptions unreadable and according to the explanation of the training before this happens because the item is not available in the Master item, because it finally sy update item master with the new data and the item is more complete. (as a comparison For the first item master contains 38 items and for the latest updates totaling 414 items) 3. After the scan is done For each item and BHT reads the number of items that are already ter record in the scan, and then sya will perform additions of BHT to the laptop. When making additions, diBHT been read upload successful, but at the Laptop only read 1 GMC, it is my birthday lg still it happened and there is writing like that sy drawn to include. I enclose material data Please help because this month they will be targeted BHT can already be used.