Dalam Peraturan ini yang dimaksud dengan:1. Pangan adalah segala sesua翻訳 - Dalam Peraturan ini yang dimaksud dengan:1. Pangan adalah segala sesua英語言う方法

Dalam Peraturan ini yang dimaksud d

Dalam Peraturan ini yang dimaksud dengan:
1. Pangan adalah segala sesuatu yang berasal dari sumber hayati produk
pertanian, perkebunan, kehutanan, perikanan, peternakan, perairan, dan
air, baik yang diolah maupun tidak diolah yang diperuntukkan sebagai
makanan atau minuman bagi konsumsi manusia, termasuk bahan
tambahan pangan, bahan baku pangan, dan bahan lainnya yang
digunakan dalam proses penyiapan, pengolahan, dan/atau pembuatan
makanan atau minuman.
2. Bahan Tambahan Pangan, selanjutnya disingkat BTP, adalah bahan yang
ditambahkan ke dalam pangan untuk mempengaruhi sifat atau bentuk
3. Nama BTP atau jenis BTP, selanjutnya disebut jenis BTP, adalah nama
kimia/generik/umum/lazim yang digunakan untuk identitas bahan
tambahan pangan, dalam bahasa Indonesia atau dalam bahasa Inggris.
4. Pembawa (Carrier) adalah bahan tambahan pangan yang digunakan untuk
memfasilitasi penanganan, aplikasi atau penggunaan bahan tambahan
pangan lain atau zat gizi di dalam pangan dengan cara melarutkan,
mengencerkan, mendispersikan atau memodifikasi secara fisik bahan
tambahan pangan lain atau zat gizi tanpa mengubah fungsinya dan tidak
mempunyai efek teknologi pada pangan.
5. Sediaan BTP adalah bahan tambahan pangan yang dikemas dan berlabel
dalam ukuran yang sesuai untuk konsumen.
6. Asupan harian yang dapat diterima atau Acceptable Daily Intake, yang
selanjutnya disingkat ADI, adalah jumlah maksimum bahan tambahan
pangan dalam miligram per kilogram berat badan yang dapat dikonsumsi
setiap hari selama hidup tanpa menimbulkan efek merugikan terhadap
7. ADI tidak dinyatakan atau ADI not specified/ADI not limited/ADI
acceptable/no ADI Allocated/no ADI necessary adalah istilah yang
digunakan untuk bahan tambahan pangan yang mempunyai toksisitas
sangat rendah, berdasarkan data (kimia, biokimia, toksikologi dan data
lainnya), jumlah asupan bahan tambahan pangan tersebut jika digunakan
dalam takaran yang diperlukan untuk mencapai efek yang diinginkan
serta pertimbangan lain, menurut pendapat Joint FAO/WHO Expert


Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) tidak menimbulkan bahaya terhadap
8. Batas Maksimum adalah jumlah maksimum BTP yang diizinkan terdapat
pada pangan dalam satuan yang ditetapkan.
9. Batas Maksimum Cara Produksi Pangan yang Baik atau Good
Manufacturing Practice, selanjutnya disebut Batas Maksimum CPPB,
adalah jumlah BTP yang diizinkan terdapat pada pangan dalam jumlah
secukupnya yang diperlukan untuk menghasilkan efek yang diinginkan.
10. BTP Ikutan (Carry over) adalah BTP yang berasal dari semua bahan baku
baik yang dicampurkan maupun yang dikemas secara terpisah tetapi
masih merupakan satu kesatuan produk.
11. Kategori Pangan adalah pengelompokan pangan berdasarkan jenis pangan
12. Kepala Badan adalah Kepala Badan yang tugas dan tanggungjawabnya di
bidang pengawasan obat dan makanan.

Pasal 2
(1) BTP tidak dimaksudkan untuk dikonsumsi secara langsung dan/atau
tidak diperlakukan sebagai bahan baku pangan.
(2) BTP dapat mempunyai atau tidak mempunyai nilai gizi, yang sengaja
ditambahkan ke dalam pangan untuk tujuan teknologis pada pembuatan,
pengolahan, perlakuan, pengepakan, pengemasan, penyimpanan dan/atau
pengangkutan pangan untuk menghasilkan atau diharapkan
menghasilkan suatu komponen atau mempengaruhi sifat pangan tersebut,
baik secara langsung atau tidak langsung.
(3) BTP tidak termasuk cemaran atau bahan yang ditambahkan ke dalam
pangan untuk mempertahankan atau meningkatkan nilai gizi.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
in this regulation referred to as:
1. Food is anything that comes from biological sources
agricultural products, farming, forestry, fisheries, livestock, water, and
water, whether treated or untreated designated as
food or drink for human consumption, including food additives
materials, food raw materials, and other materials that
used in the preparation, processing, and / or manufacture of food or drink
2. food additives, hereinafter referred to as BTP, is a material that
added to food to affect the nature or form of food
3. BTP name or type of BTP, hereinafter referred to as types of BTP, is the name of the
chemical / generic / general / common material used for identity
food additives,in Indonesian or in English.
4. (carrier) is a food additive that is used for
facilitate handling, application or use of additives or other food
nutrients in food by dissolving,
dilute, disperse or modify the physical material
other food additives or nutrients without change its function and not
has the effect of technology on food.
5. BTP is the preparation of food additives that are packed and labeled
in sizes appropriate for the consumer.
6. acceptable daily intake or acceptable daily intake, which is hereinafter referred to as adi
, is the maximum number of food additives
in milligrams per kilogram of body weight that can be consumed
every day for life without an adverse effect on health
7. adi adi is not stated or not specified / not limited adi / adi
acceptable / no adi allocated / no adi
Necessary is the term used for food additives that have a very low toxicity
, based on the data (chemical, biochemical, toxicological and data
other),the amount of intake of food additives such if used
in doses necessary to achieve the desired effect
as well as other considerations, in the opinion of the joint FAO / WHO expert

food and drug regulatory agency republic Indonesia

-4 -

committee on food additives (JECFA)
pose no danger to health.
8.The maximum limit is the maximum amount allowed there
BTP on food in units specified.
9. maximum food production a good way or good manufacturing practice
, hereinafter called the maximum limit cppb,
is the number of BTP are permitted in food in sufficient quantity
required to produce the desired effect.
10.BTP follow-up (carry-over) is BTP derived from all the raw materials are mixed and
both are packaged separately but
still is an integral product.
11. food category is a grouping of food based on the type of food
12. head of the agency is that the agency head
duties and responsibilities in the field of drug and food control. Chapter ii

BTP scopeArticle 2
(1) BTP is not intended to be consumed directly and / or
not be treated as the raw material of food.
(2) BTP may have or not have nutritional value, which
intentionally added to food for a technological purpose in the manufacture,
processing, treatment, packing, packaging, storage and / or transportation of food
or expected to produce
produce a component or affect the nature of the food,
either directly or indirectly.
(3) BTP does not include contaminants or substances added to the food
to maintain or improve the nutritional value.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
In this rule is:
1. Food is everything that biological products derived from agricultural, forestry,
forestry, fishery, animal husbandry, aquatic, and water, either
processed or not processed earmarked as
food or drink for human consumption, including additional food ingredients
, food, raw materials and other materials that
used in the preparation, processing and/or manufacture of food or drink
2. Food additives, hereinafter abbreviated BTP, is added to the foodstuff
to influence the nature or form of
3. The name of BTP or types of BTP, BTP kind hereafter referred to, is the name of chemical/generic
/General/customarily used for the identity of materials
extra food, in Indonesia or in the United Kingdom.
4. Carrier (Carrier) is a food supplement that is used to facilitate handling, the application
or the use of other or additional food
nutrients in food by dissolving,
thins, mendispersikan or modify the physical materials of other food or supplement
nutrients without changing its function and not
have the effect of technology on food.
5. Material of BTP are addictives are packed and labeled
in sizes appropriate for the consumer.
6. An acceptable daily intake or Acceptable Daily Intake, which was later shortened to
ADI, is the maximum amount of additional material
in milligrams per kilogram of food weight which can be consumed
every day for a lifetime without causing adverse effects to the
7. ADI is not stated or ADI not specified/ADI not limited/ADI
acceptable/no ADI Allocated/no ADI necessary is the term used for
addictives which has very low toxicity
, based on data (chemistry, biochemistry, toxicology and other
data), the amount of intake of the food additives if used
in measure necessary to achieve the desired effect
as well as other considerations, according to the opinion of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert



Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) does not pose a health hazard to the
8. The maximum limit is the maximum amount allowed is
BTP on food in units specified.
9. The maximum limit of How good food production or Good Manufacturing Practice
, hereinafter referred to as CPPB,
maximum limit is the amount of BTP are allowed in the amount of food found in the
to taste as needed to produce the desired effect.
10. BTP Followup (Carry over) is derived from BTP all raw materials
good together and packaged separately but it is still a single entity
11. Food food is a grouping of categories based on food type
12. The head of the Agency is the head of the Agency's tasks and their responsibilities in the field of
drug and food.


Article 2
(1) BTP are not meant to be consumed directly and/or
is not treated as food raw materials.
(2) BTP can have or have no nutritional value, which are intentionally added to food
for purposes of technologists on manufacture, processing,
treatment, packing, packaging, storage and/or
transporting food to produce or expected
produce a component or affect the nature of the food,
either directly or indirectly.
(3) BTP did not include impurities or substances that are added to food to preserve
or enhance nutritional value.
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