PT Sekai Hikari Indonesia is a company engaged in manning the vessel, which is located in the Middle Bekasi 34 Village Square Margahayu. East Jakarta District Bekasi City, West Java Province. Indonesia 17113, with descriptions as follows: Deed of Establishment, No: C-25 014 HT.01.01.TH.2006 dated July 24, 2006. Company Registration (TDP) Company Limited, No: 102 617 403 874 valid until September 7, 2016. Business License of Commerce (SIUP) Small, No: 510/742-BPPT / PK / X / 2012 dated October 11, 2012. Domicile Business, No: 600-Ekbang / 646 / MGH / IX / 2013 dated 12 November 2013. Registration Number Tax (TIN), No: 02.580.857.7-407.000 Registered KTP 01 August 2006. The company owner, No: 3275011607720017 in the Name Budiman force on 16 July 2017. Permit Penyelenggaaan Internship Abroad of KEMENAKER TRANS RI, No: KEP / 35 / LATTAS / IX / 2012 dated September 4, 2012. Registration Card Placement and Protection of Indonesian Workers (BNP2TKI), No: K010 / PEN / VIII / 2013 dated August 22, 2013. Operating Permit Service Provider Workers / Workers by Manpower Government Bekasi, No: 560 / Kept.329 HIJS / XII / 2011 dated December 19, 2011. Mail Extension of Employment Training Institute (LPK), No: 563 / KEP.59-LATPROD / II / 2013 of 31 December 2015. The Consortium Members The ship manning company (CIMA), No: B / F / CIMA / IX / 2013 dated December 31, 2015. To Whom It May Concern by the Indonesian Seafarers Union (KPI) / CBA, No: DN.0276 / PPKPI / VII / XII / 2012 dated December 14, 2011. Letters of Recommendation pengesahaan Placement of Seafarers Document Fisheries by BNP2TKI and the Embassy of Japan, No: B.38 / PEN / Recommendations-P4 / IV / 2013. Approval Letter of Amendment of Articles of Association, No: AHU-72049.AH.01.02 October 10, 2008. Disturbance Permit PJTKI Office, No: 503 / Kep.476-BPPT / IG / XI / 2012 dated 22 November 2012. The idea of Incorporation the company specializes in the field of recruitment Ship's Men (ABK) is formed on an agreement friends sailors some time ago because in the era of globalization demands of quality demand ABK around the world is quite high as fishing boats, cargo ships, tankers, reefers and dredgers. Statistics shows that many Indonesian seafarers employed abroad with strict requirements for qualified candidates. Above in mind, the company was established according to the law in force in the country. In operation, we have been supplying the crews of fishing vessels to the Japanese company.