Saya ingin segera melunasi hutang saya. Jadi saya harus fokus kerja. Saya ingin cepat melunasi hutang, supaya saya bisa keluar dari asrama. Dan saya juga bisa bebas mengambil cuti kerja. Jadi, setiap anda datang ke jakarta, saya bisa mengambil cuti.
I would like to immediately pay off my debt. So I have to focus. I want to quickly pay off the debt, so that I can get out of the dorm. And I can also free to take time off work. So, whenever you come to jakarta, I was able to take a leave of absence.
I want to pay off my debt. So I have to focus on work. I want to quickly pay off the debt, so that I can get out of the dorm. And I can also freely take time off from work. So, each time you come to Jakarta, I was able to take leave.