Pointed out items Concern Suggestion
Not found "Tag Calibration" of Protracter. "-Can't control measuring equipment
-Don't know status of equipments." Apply tag all measuring equipment.
"SKMT no have 4M change procedure,request to establish
-Lead time for inform first lot to customer ,should be add
-First lot identify,How to do? " "-Operators no have std for working
-Operator don't know lead time to inform customer/Customer can't cut of lot(Old&New part can't separate)" Make 4M change std and addition change detail to cover with customer requirement.
At shop floor use Yellow and Red box,should make clear definition of both box,When operators found NG how to do? and should be indicate responsibility person, period time for clear NG parts in every day. "- Operators confuse when operate
-Difficult to work for operator.
-Operators can't control nonconforming part." Add definition of Yellow and Red box and training to operators.
"SKMT have incoming inspection process but they don't indicate ""Incoming date"" on label.
-Should indicate NG/Holding area at Receiving Process.
-.Incoming area was indicate but no have label identify part name,part no.
-Item check in Incoming check sheet not accordance with control plan p.2,Should review item by item
-As we check incoming check sheet,SKM no have item for check material's grade,should be add." "-For prevent part NG mixing to production line
-5s management
-Easy to operate
" "-Separate NG area and OK area
-Indicate part name/part no. all part all model and separate by customer."
At Out going inspection, QC operator will stamp "Pass"on label after checked OK,shoud be signed by yourself(It's can traceability when found NG at Customer ,who check this lot or …. It's can traceability when found NG at Customer ,who check this lot? or ....? Should be signed by the inspectors.
[ General item ]
"-Request SKMT make calibration plan FY 15(as we check found data of last year FY14)
-SKM have internal calibration but Operator who response no have certificate." "-Operators confuse when operated.
-Operator can't follow as plan." Make Calibration Plan FY15
Should be specify limitation of stacking high such as stacking high less than 1 m. or less than 8 box. "Easy to operate
" When fix stacking high should be indicated to visualize
Should be specify limitation of stacking high such as stacking high less than 1 m. or less than 8 box. "Easy to operate
" When fix stacking high shoud be indicate to visualize
SKMT have similar part.Should make master sample post at Packing process. "
-Easy to operated
-Delivery wrong part to Customer" Make sample part post at Packing process.
.Found operator process "Tapping Center" don't were ear plug(Operator don't follow WI) Operator don't follow WI Should wear PPE all times while working.