Jakarta- Presiden terpilih Joko Widodo (53) bertekad akan mempertahankan kemeja putih yang menjadi ciri khasnya selama ini. Bahkan Jokowi yang akan mendesain bajunya sendiri untuk seterusnya.
""Ya (kemeja) putih itu (jika jadi Presiden),"" kata Jokowi di Masjid Sunda Kelapa, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Minggu (24/8/2014). Kemeja putih selama ini diidentikkan dengan kesederhaan, kebersihan dan kejujuran. Selama menjadi gubernur, Jokowi diketahui memiliki belasan kemeja putih.
Kemeja putih itu Jokowi pertahankan karena tak mahal. Busana rancangannya itu akan dibawa ke tukang jahit bila sudah selesai didesain.
Jakarta-President-elect Joko Widodo (53) determined will retain white shirts that became his trademark. Even Jokowi who will design her dress herself for the next."" Yes (shirt) white (if so the President), "said Jokowi at Sunda Kelapa Mosque, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Sunday (24/8/2014). A white shirt so far identified with kesederhaan, cleanliness and honesty. During Governor, Jokowi known to have had dozens of white shirts.A white shirt it Jokowi preserve because it is not expensive. Fashion design that will be taken to the seamstresses when finished is designed.

President-elect Jakarta Joko Widodo (53) is determined to maintain a white shirt became his trademark over the years. Even Jokowi will be designing his own clothes and for all. "" Yes (shirt) white (if so President), "" said Jokowi at Sunda Kelapa Mosque, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Sunday (24/08/2014). White shirt has been identified with simplicity, cleanliness and honesty. During her time as governor, Jokowi known to have a dozen white shirt. The white shirt was Jokowi maintain for not expensive. Fashion design will be brought to the tailor when finished design.