Acting (Acting) Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan heaping on Tahar Arcandra performance during his tenure as Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). This was conveyed in a meeting between Commission VII of the House of Representatives by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
Luhut said that Arcandra Tahar has delivered many brilliant ideas for 20 days served as minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. One of the achievements of the impressive inscribed Arcandra Tahar is related to development cost savings Masela with schemes onshore or expand processing facilities (refinery) oil and gas in the ground.
"He understands the technical and all sense what is presented that the figure of US $ 22 billion (for a fee Masela trimmed). Inpex asked to make a presentation, and then Mr. Candra corrected and agreed. and that number came to US $ 15 billion, "said Luhut in the boardroom commission VII of the House of Representatives, Thursday, September 1, 2016.
Luhut said that after Arcandra no longer served as a minister EMR, he still often discuss with Arcandra related to the policies in the EMR. However Luhut explain the thinking Arcandra still be a consideration for serving as Acting Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources.
"If a written policy (of Arcandra) or return policy does not yet exist. Thoughts sparked from Arcandra to this day I still heard. And I think good and plenty thought it was in line with the thought that I developed, "said Luhut.
in addition, other things being discussed with relevant Tahar Arcandra Mahakam block, field crickets, and deep sea blocks (Indonesia Deepwater Development / IDD). According Luhut, related exploration in the deep sea throughout the last 16 years very little exploration activity in the region.
He added that due to the Government Regulation (PP) No. 79 Year 2015 on operating costs can be refunded (cost recovery) and the income tax treatment in the field upstream oil and gas (oil). This rule says, making upstream oil and gas regulatory and cost recovery be uniform or not distinguish between oil and gas fields that are difficult and easy.
"Therefore, in our proposal later PP 79 there will be a change," said Luhut.