– Pihak otoritas bursa terpaksa menghentikan perdagangan s翻訳 - – Pihak otoritas bursa terpaksa menghentikan perdagangan s英語言う方法 – Pihak otoritas bursa – Pihak otoritas bursa terpaksa menghentikan perdagangan saham (suspend) perusahaan pelayaran PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Lines Tbk (APOL) akibat penundaan kewajiban pembayaran obligasi dan SBJM Syariah APOL. Dalam keterangannya, Direktur Utama APOL Alexander Runtuwene mengungkapkan lesunya kondisi industri pelayaran dan batubara masih berdampak bagi kemampuan dan kondisi keuangan APOL.

“Oleh karena itu, kami tengah melakukan peninjauan kembali dan mempertimbangkan alternatif mengenai struktur permodalan dan keuangan untuk mengatasi kondisi keuangan yang sedang terjadi,” ungkap Alex.

APOL pun menunjuk Deloitte & Toiuche Corporate Finanace sebagai konsultan keuagan dan Jones Day sebagai konsultan hukum internasional.

Manajemen APOL juga mengadakan pertemuan-pertemuan dengan sejumlah kreditur, pemegang obligasi, serta pemegang SBJM Syariah perseroan untuk menyampaikan kondisi perseroan serta mendiskusikan mengenai langkah-langkah yang akan diambil untuk menyelesaikan kewajiban perseroan.

Manajemen APOL juga meminta kepada para kreditur untuk memberi kesempatan agar dapat mengumpulkan dana untuk kegiatan operasional perseroan dan juga untuk memfasilitasi agar dapat menemukan solusi yang tepat untuk mengatasi hal ini.

APOL akan melakukan standstill terhadap kewajiban pembayaran bunga obligasi ke-14 APOL tahun 2008 dan pembayaran bagi hasil ke-26 SBJM Syariah Ijarah APOL II Tahun 2008. Standstill tersebut tidak diberlakukan bagi kreditur dagang tertentu, pemilik kapal yang menyewakan kapalnya kepada Grup berdasarkan kontrak jangka pendek,m dan beberapa supplier yang menunjang kegiatan operasional grup.

Dengan kebijakan standstill, manajemen APOL berharap para kreditur dapat bekerjasama dan memberi kesempatan untuk melunasi kewajibannya.

“Standstill ini dan tindakan-tindakan lainnya bertujuan untuk memastikan agar grup perseroan dapat mengatasi permasalahan mpdal kerja, menjaga aset-aset grup, dan memperkuat posisi perseroan dalam masa restrukturisasi dan rekapitalisasi.”

Suspen dilakukan sejak perdagangan sesi I hari ini 1 April 2015 hingga pengumuman bursa lebih lanjut.(al)
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
コピーしました! – stock exchange authorities were forced to halt stock trading (suspend) PT Arpeni Pratama shipping company Ocean Line Tbk (APOL), due to delays in payment obligation bonds and Shariah SBJM APOL. In his statement, Alexander Director of APOL Runtuwene reveal slack condition of the cruise industry and coal still affects ability and financial condition of the APOL."Therefore, we conduct a review Center and consider alternatives concerning capital structure and finance to address its financial condition is going on," says Alex.APOL also appointed Deloitte & Toiuche Corporate keuagan as a consultant and Finanace Jones Day international legal consultant.Management of APOL also held meetings with a number of creditors, bond holders, and holders of the company's Shariah SBJM to convey the company's condition and discuss about the steps to be taken to settle the liabilities of the company.APOL also asked management to lenders to provide an opportunity to raise funds for operational activities of the company and also to facilitate in order to find the right solution to address this.APOL standstill of liabilities will make interest payments of bonds to APOL in 2008 and payment for results to the Syariah Ijarah SBJM 26-APOL II in 2008. The Standstill does not apply for certain trade creditors, boat owners who rent out their ships to a group based on a short-term contract, m and some suppliers who support the operational activities of the group.With the policy of standstill, management expects the lenders can APOL cooperate and provide an opportunity to pay off its obligations."This Standstill and other actions aimed at ensuring that the company can overcome the problems of the Group mpdal of work, keeping the Group's assets, and strengthen the company's position in its restructuring and recapitalization."Suspen done since the trade session I today April 1, 2015 until the announcement of further exchanges. (al)
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
コピーしました! - Authorities were forced to cease trading exchange (suspend) the shipping company PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Lines Tbk (APOL) due to the delay in the payment obligation bonds and Sharia SBJM APOL. In a statement, Director of APOL Alexander Runtuwene revealed sluggish condition of the shipping industry and the coal is still impacting the ability and financial condition APOL. "Therefore, we are doing a review and consider alternatives regarding capital structure and finances to address the financial situation was going on, "Alex said. APOL was appointed Deloitte & Toiuche Corporate Finanace as consultant keuagan and Jones Day as an international legal consultant. Management APOL also held meetings with a number of creditors, bondholders, and holders of Sharia SBJM company to deliver the company's condition and discuss steps -step to be taken to settle its liabilities. Management APOL also asked the creditors to give the opportunity to be able to raise funds for the operational activities of the company and also to facilitate in order to find appropriate solutions to overcome this. APOL will do a standstill against payment obligations bond interest APOL 14th 2008 and payment for the results of the 26th SBJM Syariah Ijarah APOL II Year 2008. standstill shall not apply to certain trade creditors, ship owners that rent his boat to the Group based on short-term contracts, m and some suppliers that support operational activities of the group. With a standstill policy, management APOL expect the creditors to cooperate and provide the opportunity to repay their obligations. "standstill this and other measures aimed at ensuring that the company can overcome the problems of group work mpdal, keeping the assets of the group, and strengthen position the company in the period of restructuring and recapitalization. " suspension made ​​since the first trading session today 1 April 2015 until the announcement of further exchanges. (al)

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