Kementerian ESDM akan memisahkan kegiatan hulu dan hilir di Blok Masel翻訳 - Kementerian ESDM akan memisahkan kegiatan hulu dan hilir di Blok Masel英語言う方法

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Kementerian ESDM akan memisahkan kegiatan hulu dan hilir di Blok Masela. Hulu menjadi tugas Inpex, sementara hilir dipegang oleh perusahaan BUMN.

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) berupaya menghitung ulang investasi pengembangan Blok Masela agar nilainya lebih rendah. Salah satu caranya adalah memisahkan kegiatan hulu dan hilir blok kaya gas di Laut Arafura tersebut.

Pelaksana tugas Menteri ESDM Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan optimistis nilai investasi pengembangan Blok Masela lebih rendah dari perkiraan awal menjadi US$ 7 miliar. Hal ini berdasarkan hasil rapat di Kementerian ESDM, Rabu (14/9) malam. Jumlah tersebut lebih rendah dari perhitungan sebelumnya Luhut. Ia mengklaim nilai investasi pengembangan blok itu dapat diturunkan dari US$ 22 miliar menjadi US$ 15 miliar.

"Saya semalam rapat di Kementerian ESDM. Ternyata kami lihat biaya di Masela bisa lebih kurang lagi (dari US$ 15 miliar)," kata Luhut di kantor Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman, Jakarta, Kamis (15/9). (Baca: Investasi Blok Masela Bisa Dipangkas Jadi US$ 15 Miliar)

Menurut dia, kebutuhan investasi Blok Masela bisa turun dengan memisahkan antara kegiatan di hulu dan kegiatan di hilir. Nantinya kegiatan hulu seperti pengeboran akan dipegang oleh Inpex Corporation selaku operator Blok Masela.

Sementara kegiatan hilir seperti pembangunan kilang gas alam cair di darat beserta pemanfaatan gas akan dilakukan oleh perusahaan Indonesia. Perusahaan yang disebut Luhut sebagai Indonesia Incorporate ini nantinya terdiri dari Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) dan dipegang oleh pemerintah.

Dengan begitu, Luhut yakin investasi Blok Masela yang dikeluarkan Inpex akan jauh lebih murah. Namun, dia belum bisa dijelaskan secara detail karena harus terlebih dahulu melapor ke Presiden Joko Widodo. (Baca: Luhut Batasi Inpex 8 Bulan Buat Rencana Pengembangan Masela)

Di sisi lain, pemerintah akan mempertimbangkan permintaan Inpex untuk menambah masa kontrak Blok Masela selama 10 tahun. Perpanjangan ini merupakan kompensasi atas waktu yang sudah dihabiskan Inpex dalam mengkaji Blok Masela menggunakan skema pengembangan di laut (offshore).

Dengan tambahan 10 tahun, Inpex berpeluang mendapatkan perpanjangan kontrak selama 30 tahun. “Jadi kalau waktu beroperasi dia singkat, kan tingkat pengembalian investasi (IRR) turun. Ketika Inpex tidak mau mengerjakan, kami repot. Kalau kami kasih dia (perpanjangan masa kontrak), bagaimana,” ujar dia.

(Baca: Inpex Berpeluang Dapat Tambahan Perpanjangan Kontrak Blok Masela)

Tapi, Luhut masih mengkaji agar rencana tersebut bisa terealisasi. Sebab, jika mengacu pada Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 35 Tahun 2004 tentang kegiatan usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi, jangka waktu perpanjangan kontrak paling lama 20 tahun untuk setiap kali perpanjangan.

Meskipun akan memberikan insentif kepada Inpex, Luhut menginginkan agar negara juga tetap mendapatkan keuntungan. "Semuanya kami pertimbangkan, dampaknya ke negara ada nilai tambah. Jadi kami cari ekuilibriumnya," kata dia.

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The Ministry of MINERAL RESOURCES will separate the upper and lower activity in the Masela Block. The task of the Inpex upstream, while downstream is held by STATE-OWNED companies. The Ministry of energy and Mineral resources (DEMR) attempting to recalculate the Masela Block development investment so that the value is lower. One way is to separate the upper and lower blocks activity of rich gas in the Arafura Sea.Incumbent Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan DEMR optimistic Masela Block development investment value is lower than the original estimate to US $ 7 billion. It is based on the results of the meeting at the Ministry of MINERAL RESOURCES, Wednesday (16/9) night. That number is lower than the previous calculation Luhut. He claimed that block development investment value can be lowered from US $ 22 billion to US $ 15 billion."Me MINERAL RESOURCES at the Ministry meeting last night. It turns out that we see the cost in Masela could more or less again (from US $ 15 billion), "said Luhut in Coordinating Ministry Leading Office, Jakarta, Thursday (15/9). (Read: Masela Block Investment can be Trimmed so it's US $ 15 billion)According to him, investment needs could come down with the Masela Block separating activities in upstream and downstream activities. Upstream activities such as drilling would later be owned by Inpex Masela Block as the operator.While downstream activities such as the construction of a liquefied natural gas refinery on land with gas utilization will be performed by the company in Indonesia. A company called Luhut as Indonesia Incorporate future consists of State-owned enterprises (SOEs) and held by the Government. In doing so, Luhut sure Masela Block investment issued Inpex will be much cheaper. However, he can not be described in detail because it must first report to the President of the Joko Widodo. (Read: Luhut Limit Inpex 8 months Create Masela development plan)On the other hand, the Government will consider the request for Inpex to add Block Masela contract period for 10 years. This extension is compensated for the time already spent in Inpex Masela Block examines the use of development schemes at sea (offshore).With an additional 10 years, Inpex could get a contract extension for 30 years. "So if the opening he was short, right the return on investment (IRR) down. While Inpex does not want to work on, we bother. If we love him (an extension of the contract period), how, "he said.(Read: Inpex Likely Can Additionally Masela Block Contract Extension)But, in order to examine the plan, Luhut still can be realized. For if refers to the Government Regulation Number 35 of 2004 concerning the business activities of the upstream oil and gas, the time period of the longest contract extension of 20 years for each renewal time. Although it will offer incentives to Inpex, Luhut wanted countries also still get the advantage. "Everything we consider, consequently there is added value to the country. So we are looking for ekuilibriumnya, "said he.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The Ministry of Energy will separate the upstream and downstream activities in the Masela block. Hulu is the duty of Inpex, while downstream is held by state-owned enterprises,

the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) seeks to recalculate Masela development investments that value is lower. One way is to separate the upstream and downstream activities of the gas-rich blocks in the Arafura Sea.

Executing tasks Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan optimistic Masela development investment value is lower than the initial estimate to US $ 7 billion. It is based on the results of the meeting in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, on Wednesday (14/9) night. The amount is lower than the previous calculation Luhut. He claimed the value of investment in the development of blocks that can be derived from US $ 22 billion to $ 15 billion.

"I'm an overnight meeting at the Ministry of Energy. It turns out we see the cost in Masela can be less again (from US $ 15 billion)," said Luhut in Coordinating Ministry for maritime office, Jakarta, Thursday (15/9). (Read: Investment Masela can be trimmed to US $ 15 billion)

According to him, the investment needs Masela could fall by separating between activities in the upstream and downstream activities. Later on upstream activities such as drilling will be held by Inpex Corporation as the operator of the Masela block.

While the downstream activities such as the construction of a liquefied natural gas plant on the ground and the utilization of gas will be carried by the Indonesian company. The company called Luhut as Indonesia Incorporate this will consist of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and held by the government.

By doing so, Luhut sure investment Inpex Masela issued will be much cheaper. However, he can not be described in detail because it must first report to the President Joko Widodo. (Read: Luhut Limit 8 Months Create Inpex Masela Development Plan)

On the other hand, the government will consider a request to increase the duration of the contract Inpex Masela for 10 years. This extension is compensation for time already spent in reviewing Inpex Masela use development scheme in the sea (offshore).

With the additional 10 years, Inpex chance to get a contract extension for 30 years. "So if he's short operating time, the investment rate of return (IRR) down. When Inpex not want to do, we bother. If we love him (the extension of the contract), how, "he said.

(Read: Can a Chance Inpex Masela Supplementary Contract Extension)

But, Luhut still reviewing that arrangements can be realized. Because, if it refers to Government Regulation No. 35 of 2004 concerning the business activities of upstream oil and gas, a period of a maximum contract extension of 20 years for each renewal.

Although it will provide incentives to Inpex, Luhut wants the state also still benefit. "Everything we consider, the impact to state there is added value. So we find its equilibrium," he said.

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