Direktur Keamanan Bandara Kemenhub M Nasir Usman memberlakukan aturan ketat di seluruh bandara di Indonesia. Oktober ini, dia mengeluarkan edaran bagi seluruh kepala bandara di Indonesia, jangan izinkan orang yang tidak berkepentingan di area apron atau pelataran pesawat.
Area apron hanya dibolehkan bagi petugas ground handling dan petugas keamanan. Tidaki boleh ada yang lain termasuk staf pejabat atau ajudan yang menjemput di tangga pesawat di bandara.
"Bagi kepala bandara akan diberi sanksi dicopot, sedangkan bagi bandara khusus seperti Timika dan Dumai akan diberi rekomendasi dipindahkan," terang Nasir, Jumat (30/10/2015).
Nasir menunjukan edaran yang ditandatanganinya terkait keamanan di bandara. Dia menegaskan, tak ada kompromi dengan urusan penerbangan.
"Zero tolerance untuk keamanan penerbangan," tutur dia.
Langkah dia yang ketat ini sudah disosialisasikan kepada seluruh petugas bandara di daerah. Nasir keliling menyambangi bandara-bandara dan memberi pengarahan. Dia juga mengaku mendapat dukungan dari Menhub Ignasius Jonan.
"Sekarang zamannya sudah berubah. Ini semua untuk keamanan penerbangan," tutupnya.
Director of airport security Kemenhub M Nasir Usman enacted strict rules around the airports in Indonesia. This October, he issued a circular to all heads of airports in Indonesia, do not allow people who are not interested in the aircraft apron areas or of the Court.Apron area is only permitted for ground handling officers and security officers. Should the hospital having anything else including staff officer or adjutant who pick up the stairs of the plane at the airport."For the head of the airport will be given sanctions removed, whereas for the specific airport as Timika and Damai will be given recommendations moved," bright Nasir, Friday (30/10/2015).The signing of the circular showed Nasir associated security at the airport. He asserted, no compromise with the flight."Zero tolerance for aviation security," said he.These strict measures he've been socialized to all officers in the airport area. Nasir circumference should visit airports and give the briefing. He also claimed to have the support of the Moc Ignatius Jonan."Now his time has changed. This is all for the security of flights, "the lid.

Kemenhub Airport Security Director M Nasir Usman enforce strict rules at all airports in Indonesia. This October, he issued a circular to all heads of airports in Indonesia, do not allow people who are not interested in the courtyard area of the apron or aircraft. Area apron is only allowed for ground handling personnel and security officers. Tidaki should be no others including staff officers or aides who picked up on the steps of the plane at the airport. "For the head of the airport will be sanctioned removed, while for airport specially like Timika and Dumai will be given a recommendation to move," said Nasir, Friday (30/10 / 2015). Nasir shows a circular related to the signing of the security at the airport. He emphasized that there is no compromise with the business of flying. "Zero tolerance for aviation security," he said. Steps tight he has been socialized to all airport personnel in the area. Nasir visited around airports and provide guidance. He also claimed to have the support of the MOC Ignatius Jonan. "Now his time has changed. It's all for the safety of the flight," he concluded.