– GODZILLA merupakan salah satu band pengusung Dea翻訳 - – GODZILLA merupakan salah satu band pengusung Dea英語言う方法 – GODZILLA meru – GODZILLA merupakan salah satu band pengusung Death Metal di Tanah Air yang tetap eksis di dunia musik bawah tanah sampai detik ini. Ini dibuktikan dengan muntahnya album kedua dari Godzilla di bawah label bersama yakni Edelweiss Production. Album kedua band yang dimotori oleh Novan ini mengambil titel “In Absentia”.

Kali ini kita mencoba untuk mengorek sedikit tentang Godzilla dan album keduanya dengan Novan sang penabuh drum.

Salam kenal dulu dong siapa saja para personil terbaru dari Godzilla?
Halloo bro, kami dari Godzilla, di album kami yang kedua, line-up terbaru kami pada Lilik Godz (vokal), Arie (bass), Chandra (gitar), dan di drum pastinya Novan Godzilla J
Ceritain sedikit dong mengenai proses album terbarunya “In Absentia”? Berapa lama pembuatan materi baru, di studio mana, berapa lama proses recording?

Proses materi baru berjalan dengan konsep yang lebih matang, dari konsep materi lagunya , lirik sampai cover albumnya. Butuh waktu yang lumayan untuk penggarapan materi baru, karena lineup-nya juga baru, satukan beberapa kepala yang susah bro, karena setiap individu pasti ada konsep masing-masing dan ada satu lagu yang kita aransemen ulang untuk album ini, kerjasama tim sangat dibutuhkan.

Untuk proses recording-nya sangat gila dan cepat, Osiris Studio & crew jadi saksi semuanya…. hahahaha…. Hanya tiga hari untuk proses recording-nya, berhasil kita rampungkan. Proses Mixing dan Mastering yang agak lama, butuh waktu tiga blan yang dipegang oleh Amri Putradjaya (Invictus) dan dibantu oleh Herdy Dwiyana (Ozryel).

Secara global yang ingin disampaikan Godzilla dari album kedua ini mengenai apa?
Sebenarnya secara global kami bercerita tentang sebuah kesadaran dan keprihatinan untuk seluruh masyarakat Indonesia akan situasi dan kondisi.bangsa ini. Kami tuangkan apa yang kami rasakan dan kami lihat secara nyata, semacam portofolio dari rangkuman apa yang terjadi pada bangsa ini, karena kami cinta negeri kami Indonesia.

Apa yang membedakan antara album pertama dengan album kedua ini?

Dengan adanya lineup baru, tentumya musikalitas dari setiap personelnya membawa suasana yang berbeda-beda, banyak masukan baru untuk band ini. Pastinya berpengaruh besar pada album yang kami rampungkan, jadi setiap album punya warna yang berbeda, dengan personel yang berbeda pula, karena kami tidak memisahkan aliran musik apapun,selama msih pantas menurut kami dan enjoy kami mainkan, kenapa tidak??? Music is a Music, Just having fun bro. Makes you feel better, Play it…!!!!!

Kapan launching album Godzilla “In Absentia”, dan bagaimana kesan kalian tentang lauching tersebut?
Launching album party dengan band Invictus kami gelar 15 januari 2011 yang lalu di Green Cafe Kemang, Jakarta, dengan dibantu oleh teman-teman band cadas yang enggak perlu lagi diragukan, Panic Disorder, Siksa Kubur dan Catharsis. Thanx guys untuk support-nya.

Kami sangat amat puas dengan event kecil kami itu, karena berjalan lancar dan aman juga on time…!!! Itu yang perlu digarisbawahi. Meski enggak terlalu full penontonnya karena cuaca yang tidak bisa diperkirakan, tapi kami puas dengan crowd yang ada dan dibantu dengan instrumen yang mumpuni di event tersebut.

Akhirnya kami bisa membuktikan Godzilla masih tetap eksis dan mudah-mudahan bisa menginspirasi teman-teman semua untuk terus berkarya dalam membangun scene Death Metal di Indonesia.

Kalau kita perhatikan promo tour album kedua Godzilla ini gencar di beberapa kota, menurut kalian bagaimana?

Promo tour ini kami agendakan jauh sebelum album ini dibuat, semacam khayalan sajalah. Hahahaha…. Meski waktunya enggak berdekatan dan tempat event promo-nya juga enggka terlalu jauh, kami sangat amat puas dengan antusias dan animo Metalheads daerah tersebut, mantabs bro…!!!! Kami bertrima kasih sekali untuk EO (Event Organizer) yang mnyelenggrakan promo tour band kami ini.

Respon dari para Metalheads mengenai album kedua ini?

Alhamdulillah, perjuangan kami enggak sia-sia bro, kami banyak terima sambutan yang sangat baik dari teman-teman Metalheads semuanya, meski kami mengakui album ini pun tidak sempurna, banyak kekurangan disana-sini, ada beberapa kritikan dan saran, kami terima dengan terbuka karena orang lain yang menilai musik kami, dan orang lain yang beli CD kami, jadi kami sangat bertrima kasih juga kepada semua teman-teman yang membeli CD kami dan memberikan kritik saran kepada kami, dengan begitu kami bisa terus berkarya dengan baik…. Yeeeeeeaaaaahhhhh… Thanx Guys…..
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
コピーしました! – GODZILLA is one of the band's Death Metal poles in the ground water that still exist in the underground music world until this very second. This is evidenced by his second album of Godzilla under the joint label i.e. Edelweiss Production. The band's second album was driven by Novan took the title "In Absentia".This time we tried to pry a little about Godzilla and the second album with the drummer Novan.Salam kenal dulu dong whoever the latest personnel from Godzilla?Our bro, Halloo from Godzilla, on our second album, our newest line-up at Lilik Godz (vocals), Arie (bass), Chandra (guitar), and drummer certainly Novan Godzilla JCeritain little dong of the process his latest album "In Absentia"? How long is the creation of new material, in the studio where, how long the process of recording?New materials process runs with a more mature concept, material from the concept of the song, the lyrics to the album cover. It took a fair grazing for new material, because the lineup is also new, snap some hard head bro, because every individual must have the concept of each one and there's one song that we re-arrangement for this album, teamwork is needed.For the process of recording his very crazy and fast, Osiris Studio & crew so witnesses everything .... hahahaha .... Only three days for his recording process, successfully we rampungkan. The process of Mixing and Mastering a rather long, it took three blan held by Amri Putradjaya (Invictus) and assisted by Herdy Dwiyana (Ozryel).Globally who want delivered this second album of Godzilla on what?Globally we actually told me about an awareness of and concern for the entire community of Indonesia will be the situation and conditions. this nation. We pour our experience and what we see in the real, sort of a portfolio from a summary of what happened to this nation, because we love our country Indonesia.What distinguishes between the first album with this second album?With the new lineup, tentumya musicality of any casualties brought a different atmosphere, a lot of new entries for the band. Certainly influence on our album rampungkan, so each album have different colors, with different personnel, because we do not separate the flow of any music, as long as msih deserve according to our and enjoy our play, why not? Music is a Music, Just having fun BRO. Makes you feel better, Play it! ...!!!!When launching the album Godzilla "In Absentia", and how the impression you guys about lauching?The launching of the album party with our title Invictus band, January 15, 2011 at the Green Cafe, Kemang Jakarta, assisted by friends of the band rock the baseball longer doubt, Panic Disorder, the torment of the grave and Catharsis. Thanx guys for his support.We are very very satisfied with our little events that, because running smoothly and safe also on time ...!!! It needs to be underlined. Although baseball is too full audience because of the weather that can not be expected, but we were happy with the crowd and assisted with instruments that qualified in the event.Finally we can attest to the Godzilla is still exist and hopefully could inspire friends all to continue to work in the Death Metal scene building in Indonesia.If we look at the promo tour this Godzilla's second album, intense in some cities, according to you guys how?The Promo tour we agendakan long before the album was made, a kind of fantasy alone. Hahahaha .... Although the time and place of the adjacent baseball event of his promo too enggka too far, we are very very satisfied with enthusiasm and the Metalheads, animo mantabs bro ...!!!! We bertrima love once for EO (Event Organizer) which mnyelenggrakan promo tour our band.The response of the Metalheads on this second album?Thank God, our baseball struggles in vain bro, we received many excellent welcome from friends all Metalheads, although we recognize this album was not perfect, many flaws here and there, there was some criticism and suggestions, we receive with open because other people are judging our music, and others who buy our CD, so we are very bertrima love to all my friends who buy our CD and give advice to us criticism , so we can continue to work well .... Yeeeeeeaaaaahhhhh ... Thanx Guys ... ...
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
コピーしました! - Godzilla is one of the bearers of Death Metal band in the country that still exist in the underground music world until this moment. This is evidenced by the vomit of Godzilla second album under the label along with the Edelweiss Production. The second album the band led by Novan took the title "In Absentia." This time we tried to pry a little about Godzilla and his second album with Novan the drummer. Greetings once dong who the personnel most of Godzilla? Halloo bro, we're from Godzilla, in our second album, our latest line-up at Lili Godz (vocals), Arie (bass), Chandra (guitar), and in the course Novan drum Godzilla J Tell us a little dong about the process of his latest album "In Absentia"? How long the manufacture of new material in the studio where, how long the recording process? The process of new material goes with a more mature concept, the concept of matter the song, the lyrics to the album cover. It took considerable time for the cultivation of new material, because the lineup is also a new, united some heads are hard bro, because each individual must have the concept of each and there is one song that we re-arrangement for this album, teamwork is needed. For His recording process so crazy and fast, Osiris Studio & crew witness it all .... ha ha ha ha…. Just three days for his recording process, we managed to finish with. Process Mixing and Mastering a rather long time, it took three blan held by Amri Putradjaya (Invictus) and assisted by Herdy Dwiyana (Ozryel). Globally to convey the Godzilla of this second album of what? Actually, globally we talked about an awareness and concern for all Indonesian people and kondisi.bangsa this situation. We pour what we feel and we see the real thing, a sort of portfolio of a summary of what happened to this nation, because we love our country Indonesia. What is the difference between the first album with this second album? With the new lineup, tentumya musicality of each personnel bring a different atmosphere, a lot of new entries for this band. Surely a big influence on the album that we finish with, so every album had a different color, with different personnel, because we do not separate stream any music, for msih deserve our opinion and we enjoy playing, why not ??? Music is a music, Just having fun bro. Makes you feel better, play it ... !!!!! When launching the album Godzilla "In Absentia", and how do you impression about the lauching? Launching party album with the band Invictus us the title 15 January 2011 in Green Cafe Kemang, Jakarta, assisted by friends rock band that baseball longer in doubt, Panic Disorder, Siksa Bury and Catharsis. Thanx guys for his support. We are very satisfied with our little event that, because it runs smoothly and safely also on time ... !!! It needs to be underlined. Although baseball is too full audience because the weather is unpredictable, but we were satisfied with the crowd there and assisted with instruments that qualified in the event. Finally we can prove Godzilla still exist and can hopefully inspire all my friends to continue working in building the Death Metal scene in Indonesia. If we look at the second album Godzilla promo tour intensively in some cities, according to you how? Promo tour we agendakan long before this album was made, a sort of fantasy alone. Ha ha ha ha…. Although the time and place adjacent baseball promo event is also enggka too far, we are very satisfied with the enthusiasm and interest of the local Metalheads, mantabs bro ... !!!! We bertrima you once for EO (Event Organizer) which mnyelenggrakan promo tour our band is. The response from the Metalheads on this second album? Thank God, our struggle baseball vain bro, we much thank a very good response from friends Metalheads all , although we acknowledge this album was not perfect, many flaws here and there, there are some criticisms and suggestions, we received with open because others judge our music, and people who buy our CD, so we are very bertrima you also to all friends who buy our CD and gave criticisms and suggestions to us, so we can continue working well .... Yeeeeeeaaaaahhhhh ... Thanx Guys ... ..

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