JAKARTA. PT Suharli Malaya Lestari (SML) tengah cemas. Pasalnya perusahaan garmen yang saat ini berada dalam status penundaan kewajiban pembayaran utang (PKPU) itu terancam untuk pailit setelah salah satu krediturnya mengajukan permohonan pembatalan perdamaian.
Salah satu kreditur itu adalah PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BRI). Ia mengklaim SML telah lalai menjalankan proposal perdamaian yang telah dihomologasi sejak 15 Juni 2015 itu. "Mereka belum membayarkan kewajiban kepada kami, maka dari itu kami mengajukan permohonan pembatalan perdamaian," ungkap kuasa hukum Bank BRI Irfan Indrabayu kepada KONTAN, Senin (1/12).
Adapun total utang SML kepada bank berpelat merah itu mencapai Rp 30 miliar. Dalam proposal perdamaian tersebut SML menjanjikan setidaknya adanya penebusan aset berupa tanah dan bangunan untuk membayar kewajibannya itu kepada Bank BRI.
Seperti penebusan aset Kopo Permai senilai Rp 1,06 miliar dengan jangka waktu penebusan tiga hari sejak pengumuman PKPU SML diumumkan di surat kabar. Begitu juga dengan penebusan aset Singgasana senilai Rp 3,1 miliar.
Selanjutnya itu penebusan aset Rancaekek sebilai Rp 22,62 miliar dengan jangka waktu penebusan 21 hari sejak pengumuman PKPU SML diumumkan di surat kabar. Serta penebusan aset pabrik dan kantor senilai Rp 11,05 miliar dengan jangka waktu penebusan 90 hari sejak pengumuman PKPU SML diumumkan di surat kabar.
"Dari yang tertuang dalam proposal perdamaian belum ada pembayaran," tambah Irfan. Sehingga ia menilai permohonan pembatalan tersebut telah sesuai dengan perdamaian sudah diatur dalam Undang-Undang No. 34 Tahun 2004 tentang Kepailitan dan penundaan kewajiban pembayaran utang (PKPU) di Pasal 170.
Dimana, pasal tersebut berbunyi, kreditur dapat menuntut pembatalan suatu perdamaian yang telah disahkan apabila debitur lalai memenuhi isi perdamaian tersebut.
Menanggapi hal tersebut S. Maruli Situmeang, kuasa hukum MSL menganggap pembatalan perdamaian itu kabur dan tidak jelas. Dimana permohonan yang diajukan pemohon kabur dan tidak jelas, pada petitumnnya, pemohon tidak mencantumkan dengan jelas perjanjian perdamaian mana yang dimohonkan untuk dibatalkan, bahkan dalam posita dan petitum permohonan pemohon tidak mencantumkan perjanjian perdamaian mana yang dimohonka batal oleh pemohon.
"Bahwa perjanjian perdamaian dan putusan perdamaian adalah dua produk hukum yang berbeda, sehingga sangat tidak jelas dan kabur perjanjian mana yang sebenarnya ingin dibatalkan," ungkap dia.
Tak hanya itu, Maruli juga menilai permohonanan tersebut kekurangan pihak. Pada petitum pemohon menyebutkan untuk membatalkan satu putusan PKPU Homologasi perkara Nomor 8/Pdt.SUS.PKPU/2015/PN.Niaga.Jkt.Pst, di mana dalam putusan tersebut ada empat subjek hukum yaitu PT Suharti Malaya Lestari, Indra Lesmana Suharti, Herawan Suharti, dan Indriyani Suharti. Keempat subyek itu bertindak sebagai debitur.
"Bahwa jika pemohon ingin membatalkan PKPU ini, pemohon harusnya menarik keempat subyek hukum tersebut," tambah dia.
Pihaknya juga menganggap debitur (SML) masih memiliki iktikad baik untuk memenuhi kewajibannya kepada seluruh kreditur. Hal itu telah ditandai dengan membawa pembeli sampai pada tahap penyetoran uang melalui RTGS dari pembeli ke pemohon sebagai wujud nyata dari keseriusan untuk membeli atau menebus aset dari pemohon.
Sekadar informasi, tak hanya kepada Bank BRI saja, dalam status PKPU-nya MSL juga memiliki utang kepada Bank J Trust Indonesia, selaku pemohon PKPU dan H. Darmin dengan total utang mencapai Rp 44 miliar.
Jakarta. PT Suharli Lestari Malaya (S M L) the middle of anxious. Because the garment companies which currently are in the status of the delay of payment obligations (PKPU) that threatened to bankrupt after one of krediturnya apply for cancellation of peace.One of the creditors it was PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. (BRI). He claimed to have been negligent S M L peace proposal that had been run was homologated since June 15, 2015 it. "They have yet to pay obligations to us, therefore we apply for cancellation of peace," says the power law BRI Irfan Indrabayu to CASH, Monday (1/12).With regard to the bank S M L the total debt of the Red berpelat that reached Rp 30 billion. In the peace proposal promising at least S M L the existence of redemption of the assets in the form of land and buildings to pay their obligations to the Bank BRI.As the redemption of assets worth Rp Permai Kopo 1.06 billion with a redemption period of three days from the announcement of the PKPU S M L announced in newspapers. So too with the redemption of assets worth Rp Throne 3.1 billion.Next was the redemption of assets of Rp sebilai Rancaekek 22.62 billion with a redemption period of 21 days from the announcement of the PKPU S M L announced in newspapers. As well as the redemption of factory and Office assets worth Rp 11.05 billion with a redemption period of 90 days from the announcement of the PKPU S M L announced in newspapers."From that contained in the proposals of the peace there is no payment," added Irfan. So he assess the petition for annulment were in accordance with peace already regulated in Act No. 34 of 2004 about bankruptcy and suspension of payment (PKPU) in Article 170.Where, the article reads, the lender may demand the cancellation of a peace that had been passed when the debtor fails to meet the content of peace.Responding to this s. Maruli Situmeang, power law E.G. consider the cancellation of peace was vague and unclear. Where the applicant filed the application for fuzzy and indistinct, on petitumnnya, the applicant does not specify clearly the peace treaty which petitioned for cancelled, even in the applicant's petition and posita petitum did not specify which of the dimohonka peace agreement null and void by the applicant."That the peace treaty and the verdict of peace are two different legal products, so it is very unclear and vague agreement where actual wanted cancelled," says he.Not only that, the permohonanan also rated Maruli shortage of parties. On the applicant mention petitum to overturn one ruling PKPU Homologation of case number 8/URPdt.SUS. PKPU/2015/PN. Commerce. Jkt .pst, where in the ruling there are four legal subjects, namely PT Lestari Malaya Suharti, Indra Suharti, Herawan Suharti, and Indriyani Suharti. The four subjects that act as a debtor."That if the applicant wants to cancel this PKPU, applicant should draw the fourth subject of the law," added he.It also considers the debtor (S M L) still has goodwill to fulfill its obligations to all creditors. It has been marked by bringing buyers to deposit money at the stage through the RTGS from the buyer to the applicant as a real form of seriousness to buy or redeem assets of the applicant.Mere information, not only to the Bank BRI, in her MSL PKPU status also has debts to Bank Indonesia, as the Trust J applicant PKPU and h. Darmin with total debts reached Rp 44 billion.

JAKARTA. Lestari PT Suharli Malaya (SML) is anxious. Because the garment company which is currently in a state of suspension of debt payments (PKPU) that threatened to bankrupt after one of its creditors to apply for the cancellation of the peace. One creditor is PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BRI). He claims to have been negligent SML peace proposal that has been running since June 15, 2015 dihomologasi it. "They have not paid obligations to us, therefore we apply for the cancellation of the peace," said attorney BRI Irfan Indrabayu to KONTAN, Monday (1/12). The total debt to the bank SML red plates that reach Rp 30 billion. In the peace proposal SML promises at least the redemption of assets such as land and buildings to pay the obligations to Bank BRI. Such redemption Permai Kopo assets worth USD 1.06 billion with a term of three days since the announcement of redemption PKPU SML was announced in the newspaper. As well as the redemption of assets Throne of Rp 3.1 billion. Furthermore, the redemption of assets Rancaekek sebilai Rp 22.62 billion with a term of 21 days from the announcement of redemption PKPU SML was announced in the newspaper. Redemption as well as factory and office assets worth Rp 11.05 billion with a term of 90 days since the announcement of redemption PKPU SML was announced in the newspaper. "From that stated in peace proposal has been no payment," added Irfan. So he considered the cancellation request was in accordance with the peace already regulated in Law No. 34 of 2004 on bankruptcy and suspension of debt payments (PKPU) in Article 170. Where, the article reads, creditors can demand cancellation of a peace that has been passed if the debtor fails to meet the contents of the peace. Responding to the S. Maruli Situmeang, attorney MSL consider cancellation of the peace was vague and unclear. Where the petition filed applicant vague and unclear, in petitumnnya, the applicant does not specify clearly the peace agreement which petitioned to be canceled, even in posita and petitum request the applicant did not include a peace treaty which dimohonka canceled by the applicant. "That peace agreement and verdict peace are two different laws, so it is very unclear and vague agreement which actually wants to be canceled, "he said. Not only that, Maruli also assess the shortcomings permohonanan parties. On the petition of the applicant states to cancel the decision PKPU Homologation Case Number 8 / Pdt.SUS.PKPU / 2015 / PN.NIAGA.JKT.PST, where in the decision, there are four legal subjects Lestari, PT suharti Malaya, Indra suharti, Herawan suharti, and Indriyani Suharti. The fourth subject was acting as debtors. "That if the applicant wants to cancel this PKPU, the applicant should draw the four subjects of the law," he added. It also considers the debtor (SML) still have good faith to meet its obligations to all creditors. It has been marked by bringing buyers to the extent of depositing money through RTGS from the buyer to the applicant as a concrete manifestation of the seriousness to purchase or redeem the assets of the applicant. For your information, not only to Bank BRI course, the status PKPU its MSL also has a debt J Trust to Bank Indonesia, as the applicant PKPU and H. Nasution total debt reached USD 44 billion.