Tapi, PBI No. 14/8/PBI/2012 tentang Kepemilikan saham bank Umum menyatakan, asing boleh menguasai lebih dari 40% saham asal memenuhi persyaratan kesehatan bank. Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) mengaku belum menerima laporan resmi pembelian saham BTPN oleh SGCM. "Kalau sudah ada laporan resmi, kami akan telusuri seperti apa kaitan kepemilikan itu," ujar Nelson Tampubolon, Dewan Komisioner OJK Bidang Perbankan, Kamis (19/2).
But, PBI No. 8/14/PBI/2012 about share ownership Foreign Public bank declared, can be mastered more than 40% of the stock of origin meet the health requirements of the bank. The financial services authority (OJK) claimed to have not received any official report on purchases of shares by SHORT BTPN SGCM. "If there is already an official report, we will trace what kind of relation the ownership of it," said Nelson Tampubolon, Council Commissioner OJK Banking, Thursday (19/2).

But, PBI 14/8 / PBI / 2012 concerning the bank's shareholding General stated, alien may control more than 40% of the shares of origin meet the health requirements of the bank. Financial Services Authority (FSA) claimed to have received an official report by the Bank's purchase of shares SGCM. "If we had an official report, we will explore what the ownership connection," said Nelson Tampubolon, the Board of Commissioners FSA Banking, Thursday (19/2).