Debitur mempunyai prospek bisnis yang baik di industri otomotif 2W sej翻訳 - Debitur mempunyai prospek bisnis yang baik di industri otomotif 2W sej英語言う方法

Debitur mempunyai prospek bisnis ya

Debitur mempunyai prospek bisnis yang baik di industri otomotif 2W sejak 1976, penjualan mereka naik setiap waktunya dan mereka sedang mengembangkan bisnisnya di industri otomotif 4W. Pada November 2014, debitur berencana menjual pabriknya di Tangerang untuk mengkover aruskasnya, untuk itu debitur meminjam dana Bridging Loan kepada Bank. Namun, debitur belum dapat menjual pabriknya sampai jatuh tempo Bridging Loan. Debitur meminta perpanjangan fasilitas kredit sampai dengan bulan Juni 2016. Debitur meminta perpanjangan dikarenakan saat ini sedang bernegoisasi dengan calon investor. Debitur sudah memperkenalkan pihak Bank kepada calon investor dan telah membicarakan hal-hal strategis terkait proses investasinya tersebut. Pihak calon investor bersedia untuk memberikan komitmen kepada Bank mengenai rencana investasinya kepada Debitur
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The debtor has the prospect of good business in the automotive industry since 1976 2W, their sales go up every time and they are developing its business in the automotive industry 4W. In November 2014, borrowers are planning to sell its plant in Tangerang to mengkover aruskasnya, to that debtor borrows funds Bridging Loan to the Bank. However, the debtor has not been able to sell his factory until the maturity of the Bridging Loan. The debtor requesting the extension of credit facilities until June 2016. Debtor requested the extension because the currently bernegoisasi with potential investors. The debtor has already introduced the Bank to potential investors and have discussed the matters related to these strategic investment process. Party potential investors willing to give a commitment to the Bank about his investment plans to the debtor
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Debtors have good business prospects in the automotive industry 2W since 1976, their sales go up every time and they are developing its business in the automotive industry 4W. In November 2014, the debtor's plan to sell its factory in Tangerang for mengkover aruskasnya, to the debtor borrowed funds Bridging Loan to the Bank. However, the debtor has not been able to sell the factory to maturity Bridging Loan. Debtor requested an extension of the credit facility until June 2016 to request an extension because the debtor is currently negotiating with potential investors. Debtor has introduced the Bank to potential investors and have been discussing strategic matters related to the investment process. The potential investors are willing to commit to the Bank regarding its investment plan to Debtor
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